Lisa Live: 'Basic Instinct 2' Will Leave Audiences Stone Cold

When it comes to assault charges, high-fashion supermodel Naomi Campbell proved herself to be merely a knock-off. Not only did she copycat Russell Crowe’s phone rage, she copped the prison-wear poncho look from Martha Stewart. How un-chic.

Click in the video box to the right to watch Lisa's on-air report.

Stone Cold

Movie sequels are like copycats of an original … and often fare worse. Such will be the case when the box-office receipts come in this weekend for “Basic Instinct 2,” the not-so-eagerly-awaited sequel to the 1992 Sharon Stone sexual thriller.

The new film is laugh-out-loud awful, with unknown British actor David Morrissey straddling Stone this time around instead of Michael Douglas.

I met Morrissey at the New York premiere this week and thought him a likeable guy. For his sake, I hope he’s not banned entry into this country again after audiences get a load of this dreadful film.

He said he was nervous about meeting Stone for the first time, which was at his screen test in Los Angeles. He remembered first noticing her long legs, and was instantly at ease once they got to talking — proving that long legs go a long way in relations between the sexes.

Stone was upbeat at the premiere, talking about all sorts of stuff — politics, the world’s ills — that make people think actresses can be “smart.” I asked her about Hillary Clinton’s chances for the presidency, and a previous comment she made about Clinton being too sexual. (It baffled me — go figure.)

“We’re coming from a period in America right now which is leaning quite to a strong degree to a conservative right, so maybe our country is not looking for a woman for the presidential post who is still strongly in her sexual presence,” said Stone. “Hillary is a hot babe. And I want her to win. So maybe she would succeed more as a vice president at this time. And later as a dignitary, as a leading woman, as an elder stateswoman.”

Okay, this poses three questions for me:

1) Does this mean Stone thinks the conservative right discriminates against female presidential candidates who are sexually active?
2) Is she implying that a woman’s sexual presence eventually comes to an end? What about the 60-, 70- and even 80-year-olds out there who may still be having sex? Aren’t they enraged?
3) And last, but not least … Hillary Clinton is a “hot babe"??!!

By the way, James Lipton, host of Bravo’s “Inside the Actor’s Studio,” was at the premiere. He’s had Stone on his show. I asked him where he felt “Basic Instinct” — the original, not the sequel — rated in the canon of American films.

“It was significant for two things. One, for what she did in that scene.”

I smiled, aware that he was talking about the famous leg-crossing incident.

“Well,” he shot back at me, “would you do it?”

OK, good point.

“That was astonishing," he continued. "But it was within the context of a very interesting and exciting film, quite apart from the fact that we were exposed — I use the word judiciously — to something we hadn’t been exposed to before.”

Viva La 'Dynasty' Divas

What’s a premiere of a sexy romp like “Basic Instinct” without the presence of other sultry divas — such as former cat-fighting “Dynasty” character Alexis Carrington, aka British beauty Joan Collins?

Collins is shooting a “Dynasty” reunion show this weekend, set to air during May sweeps. She’ll be joined by costars John Forsythe, Linda Evans and Pamela Sue Martin, among others.

Original costumer Nolan Miller will have the ladies decked out lavishly once again.

“Nolan has made Linda and me some amazing dresses — very ‘Dynasty,’” said Collins. “And we’re going to be meeting and greeting in the original house we shot in — gosh, it was 25 years ago — that’s outside of San Francisco. I’ve been looking at a lot of old ‘Dynasty’ clips [the network] sent me. And I have to say, some of the clothes were really over the top. Very strange. Those shoulder pads were huge.”

The show will feature the stars reminiscing and joking with each other — and lots of old footage.

Collins saw Evans just a few weeks ago, as the two are set to start rehearsals in August for a revival of the 1986 play “Legends!”, which originally starred Mary Martin and Carol Channing.

They’ll open in Toronto, tour nationally and hopefully bring it to Broadway. It’s about — surprise! — two feuding actresses. No word if it’s been a given a “Dynasty”-like update of diva pool-plunging.