Lieberman Blasts Obama Over Georgia

This is a rush transcript from "America's Election HQ," August 13, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

HEATHER NAUERT, HOST: NAUERT: John McCain is telling FOX News that there should be a bipartisan solution to the violence in Georgia. But tell that to Senator Joe Lieberman. While introducing John McCain at a fundraiser last night Lieberman slammed Barack Obama for exhibiting, quote, "inexperience" when it comes to the conflict in Georgia. So, is that fair?

Michael Brown is a Barack Obama supporter and the former vice chair of the finance at the Democratic National Committee.

Hi there, Michael. So what do you think, is that fair for Joe Lieberman to go after Barack Obama like that?

MICHAEL BROWN, FMR. DNC FINANCE VICE CHAIR: What do they say about politics — all is fair in love and war. I guess it's fine. I mean, this is Senator Lieberman's agenda. He clearly likes the policies and vision of John McCain. And that's fine. That's what we do in a campaign season, that what he seems to be comfortable doing.

Video: Watch Heather's interview with Michael Brown

But, at the end of the day, I don't know how many people Senator Lieberman is going to move away from Barack Obama with those kinds of statements.

NAUERT: You know, it's often said that among Democrats they really aren't too crazy about Joe Lieberman anymore these days since he has embraced John McCain. But, what do you — what kind of sense do you get when you talk to Democrats about Joe Lieberman?

BROWN: Well, I think, you know, Senator Lieberman is a quintessential politician. He's a, you know, he does what he needs to do for his survival, and I don't know if anyone can be mad at him for that. Clearly, he is kind of leaning on the Republican side right now, at least for the presidential. But Senator Lieberman also votes a lot with Democrats.

So, he's just a quintessential politician who's doing what's best for him. He's very close to John McCain personally. So, I think that has a lot to do with it. But, again, I don't think it's going to move many voters with what Senator Lieberman has to say about Senator Obama.

NAUERT: OK. Let me ask you about the upcoming convention. There has been talk about these Barack Obama supporters who really want a ticket to see Obama's big, big speech there. They were apparently told that they had to volunteer for the campaign in order to qualify just to get to go see his speech, so what's going on there? Some of those folks are pretty upset.

BROWN: Well, if that's even true. Let's just — for purposes of your premise and your question, let's assume it's true. I don't know if it is or not. But if that's true, I mean, Senator Obama from the beginning has talked a lot about public service. Senator Kennedy did the same thing when he ran for president before he won, when he spoke at a big stadium and he did the same.

NAUERT: But to force people — to force people to have to volunteer to go see a speech?

BROWN: You're using the term force. I don't think that that's the word that Senator Obama folks are using if they're using that term at all. I think what they're saying is we would love for you do some public service and we would love to have you come here at the senator speech — that again, if it's even true, if that's even happening. But if it is, I don't know that anyone has a problem with that. What's wrong with public service?

NAUERT: All right. Let me ask you one more question. Senator Bob Casey, a Democrat from Pennsylvania, pro-choice, is apparently speaking at the convention. How the rank and file going to feel about that?

BROWN: You mean pro-life because.

NAUERT: Excuse me. Did I say pro-choice?

BROWN: Yes, you did.

NAUERT: I meant to say pro-life. Excuse me.

BROWN: No problem.

NAUERT: How are folks going to feel about that?

BROWN: Well, I'll tell you. The Democratic Party has always been the big tent party. We don't have a litmus test at the door keeping people from going in or going out. So, from my standpoint, I think the rank and file is going to be just fine.

The Republicans have the problem with letting pro-choice Republicans speak. That's the problem. That's really the question that needs to be asked. It's not about Democrats, it's about Republicans.

NAUERT: All right. We'll see if there's any kind of fallout from that.

Michael Brown, thank you so much for joining us tonight.

BROWN: Thank you very so much.

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