Just the Facts

And now the most intriguing two minutes in television, the latest from the political grapevine:

Just the Facts

More questions today about former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill's attacks on President Bush. In "The Price of Loyalty," O'Neill claims to have attended a White House meeting in November, 2002 where Bush questioned proposing another round of tax cuts, asking -- "Haven't we already given money to rich people? ... Why are we doing it again?"

But former Council of Economic Advisers Chairman R. Glenn Hubbard and Vice President Cheney's Domestic Policy Adviser Cesar Conda's, both present at the meeting, flatly deny that Bush ever made those comments, and Conda says his own notes from the meeting show that tax cuts weren't even on the agenda.

Trash Talk About Democrats in Des Moines

The Des Moines Register reports that some Iowa residents are complaining about the behavior of Democratic campaign volunteers in advance of Monday's Iowa caucus. Business owner Charlie Sereg had to call the police to force Dean supporters to quit throwing their trash in his dumpster and parking on his lot. One volunteer parked a jeep in Sereg's alley, blocking the freight entrance to his store.

Meanwhile, a van covered in John Kerry stickers and parked in a no-parking zone outside of Kerry Campaign Headquarters blocked rush hour traffic on Monday morning, backing up cars for several blocks.

Bush Voters

Forty-one percent of registered voters surveyed in a recent AP poll say they'll definitely vote for President George Bush in 2004, while only 33 percent say they will definitely vote against him. If those numbers hold in November, any Democratic challenger will have to win over two-thirds of the remaining 26 percent of voters to defeat Bush.

The survey shows that Bush's reelection year support at this point in the race is on par with that of President Reagan before his landslide reelection victory in 1984, and well ahead of President Clinton and the former President Bush.

Bomb Scare?

U.S. Park Police failed to notice suspicious package at the Washington Monument on the 2-year anniversary of 9/11 - and what's more, the only officer on duty at the time appeared to be sound asleep in his car, according to a memo obtained by the Washington Post. Interior Department investigators planted a fake dirty bomb to test police readiness on last year's terror anniversary. The ranking member on the house select committee on Homeland Security, Jim Turner is outraged, saying -- "someone needs to be held accountable for this."

FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report