John Rocker Exclusive!

This is a partial transcript from "Hannity & Colmes," July 28, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

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SEAN HANNITY, CO-HOST: As we continue on "Hannity & Colmes," I'm Sean Hannity. Reporting tonight live from Raleigh, North Carolina. And coming up we're going to show you the dramatic ending to an armed standoff at an Indiana bank.

But first, former Atlanta Braves (search) pitcher John Rocker. He began his career in the big leagues in 1998. He pitched in two National League championships, one World Series (search). And now the outspoken Rocker has apparently retired from the game for good. So what's next?

Joining us now is former Major League pitcher John Rocker. John, thanks for being with us.

JOHN ROCKER, FORMER MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL PLAYER: You're welcome, guys. Thank you for having me.

HANNITY: Are you out of baseball now for good? Is that for sure?

ROCKER: Yes, I think so. You know, I kind of found some other interests that I've sort of over the last two years been rehabbing my shoulder and that kind of thing. And I just found some more interests that I've — that have just taken me away from baseball.

I currently have three real estate developments I'm producing right now. I own a computer company that's currently in the process of going public. I'm in the process of writing a book. And I've just found some other interests that have kind of taken my love away from the game, I guess.

HANNITY: I know you apologized many times for this incident that you had back in New York some years ago. Do you feel like in many ways it's hard to get beyond the past? Do you feel people maybe are not willing to forgive you?

ROCKER: Well, it's something that I'm not really focused on, honestly. It's been so long. It's been six years. And I'm really a much different person now. And really wish people would just, you know.

And it's not myself. I put it behind me a long time ago. It's people, you know, I guess in secular society that want to keep bringing it up to me, whether it's a journalist, whether it's a fan, whether it's whatever. That want to keep bringing it up to me.

I put it behind me a long time ago. It's been six years. I've chosen to focus on, you know, I guess more important things in my life. And more important things that I'm focusing on and more important things in society as a whole.

HANNITY: You said at the time, you said, "I want everyone to understand that my emotions fueled my competitive desire. It's a source of energy for me."

And I guess it's hard being in the public eye. And you recently were playing for a Long Island team. And it seemed like you were trying to make your way back to the majors and you're still a fairly young guy.

And you had — somebody yelled at you from the fans, "Hey, a long way from Atlanta, isn't it?"

And you said, "Hey, I'm still a millionaire, and you're a piece of bleep."

In that sense are you still the same person, maybe — you know, just...

ROCKER: Well, see I want to cut you off because that comment was never made. And the way that...

HANNITY: It wasn't made?

ROCKER: No, the comment was not made. And the way a comment like that gets into the paper is nobody ever really does any kind of investigating.

I know when — that was a game that — I know, obviously, which game you are referring to. It was a game in Atlantic City that was probably — it was a day game. And there had been some rain, a rain delay and stuff. And a lot of people were going home. So the stands were fairly empty.

And the guy was sitting right in the dugout as I was walking in from the dugout, the guy had been on me for probably 15 or 20 minutes, shouting obscenities, shouting all kinds of things.

As I come off the field, you know, made a two or three word comment to him, go in the dugout, talked to my pitching coach, talked with the manager and then go to the clubhouse.


ROCKER: I guess some people that were in the press box had seen me look up at the guy and before the next half inning had even started there was three media people sitting next to the guy, interviewing him, just trying to start some kind of controversy, trying to stir up whatever.

And basically, the quote that makes the paper is the quote from a guy that's six sheets to the wind in the ninth inning of a game after seven or eight beers. That's the comment that gets put in the paper. Nobody ever bothered to ask me about that, because I would have set the record straight.

HANNITY: Nobody ever asked you. That's fair, if nobody asked you about it. Do you think in this sense — because it seems to me you're giving up baseball. You're moving on with your life. You had this big controversy.

And I went back. I looked. You had apologized many times, including on the big, you know, computer thing, I guess, at Shea Stadium that they had put up when you first came back to New York.

ROCKER: You should have seen it. For a couple of weeks there, I thought I was changing colors because my nose was so brown, honestly. Very brown nose.

ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: Hey, John, good to have you on the show.

HANNITY: Do you regret apologizing so much? Do you feel you were treated unfairly? I mean what — do you feel like — that people are going to be unfair to you for years to come? Or you don't even care about any of that?

ROCKER: It doesn't bother me. I don't let it affect my day-to-day life. I've moved on with my life. I do things I want to do. I have, you know, a group of close personal friends that are all my world. My family is my world. And as long as those people are happy with me, then I'm happy with myself.

COLMES: Hey John, I want to ask you about your future. But I do want to ask you one thing about what you said. Because I mean, people do associate — maybe we can just clear the air here for a second.

Because what — the thing that I guess that people focused on back at the time in "Sports Illustrated" when you said — you were talking about taking a number seven train and looking like you are riding through Beirut, sitting next to a kid with purple hair, next to some queer with AIDS, next to some dude who just out of jail for the fourth time. Have your views changed since you made that comment?

ROCKER: Can I ask you a question? Can I return your question with a question?


ROCKER: Your show, correct me if I'm wrong, is a news program on current affairs, correct?

COLMES: Right.

ROCKER: Why are we talking about something that's six years old? There are a lot more pressing issues out there that we could be talking about, you know, from terrorism to welfare issues to what you had, Reverend Al Sharpton (search) on earlier in the program? Can we talk about those issues?

COLMES: Right, but we're talking about you and your career. That's why you're on the show. And I'm just wondering — I think it's fair to ask you if your views have changed since you made that statement.

ROCKER: There are also more current affairs in my career than that took place when I was 24 years old six years ago.

COLMES: So you're saying your views have changed since then?

ROCKER: Well, you know, your views tend to change, you know, from 24 to 30. A lot of growing takes place. A lot of maturing takes place. A lot of experiences take place.

COLMES: What are you doing now?

ROCKER: Have your views changed in the last six years?

COLMES: What is it you're looking to do now?

ROCKER: Good answer.

Right now, like I said, I'm just kind of doing what I want to do. Have gotten very interested in developing real estate over the last couple of years. Like I said, I have three developments I'm doing right now, two in Florida and one here in North Atlanta.

I own a computer company that is currently getting ready to go public like I said.

And I'm doing quite a bit of charity work. I have a M.S. bike ride I'm sponsoring for multiple sclerosis, going to be September 10 and 11. And just a quick plug, if you want to go to my Web site and volunteer to ride in the bike ride, it's (search).

And I'm doing that. I'm currently writing a book. And just got a lot of other interests. And...

HANNITY: What's the book about, John, real quick? We're about to leave. What's the book about?

ROCKER: It's not going to be a lot about baseball. It's going to be about life and times, I guess.

HANNITY: All right. Well, you know what? When the book comes out we'd love to have you back. And we wish you all the best in your future endeavors. And we do appreciate you coming on with us. Thanks for being with us.

ROCKER: Thank you. I appreciate that.

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