John McCain's Got a Real Fight on His Hands

John McCain's got a real fight on his hands.

Not with Barack Obama.

With the media.

I don't think I've ever seen such fawning coverage of a candidate.

Look, clearly history has been made.

And it is remarkable.

The first African-American to lead a presidential ticket.

It is historic.

But it is not biblical.

Yet somehow "oldest man ever to capture party's nomination" doesn't have quite the "Kennedy vigah" ring to it.

So McCain's stories are perfunctory.

Obama's darn near legendary.

This is what McCain's up against.

A guy who's a gifted speaker, a smooth debater, but more, a media darling.

Talk of a TV producer crying when she heard the news Obama clinched it.

An anchor insisting, "America has grown."

Another waxing poetic, "This is remarkable."

I don't remember old John evoking such tears or praise.

Or anyone calling him remarkable.

Just old.

And even when praised as a hero, he was an "old" hero.

I see where this is going.

Hot young whipper-snapper visionary versus tired, old status quo fool.

Actually, I bet you someone writes that in their script.

I'm not here to criticize Obama. Or praise McCain.

Just remind one and all that both are due the same scrutiny, and the same measured response.

Obama is making history.

That doesn't mean fair and balanced coverage should become history.

All I'm saying is let's make this whole "American Idol" treatment of the process history as well.

John McCain deserves better.

And Barack Obama does too.

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