John Kerry: Bush May Determine Use of Force

And now the most compelling two minutes in television, the latest from the political grapevine:

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John Kerry: Bush May Use Force As He Deems Necessary

For the record, that resolution John Kerry (search) voted for and keeps insisting just authorized the threat of force in Iraq actually says, "The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq..."

And, by the way, the resolution does not say that Saddam Hussein (search) possessed weapons of mass destruction, it says he had the, "capability" to possess them. The resolution does, however, directly accuse Iraq of supporting and harboring terrorist organizations and says, "members of al Qaeda (search) ... are known to be in Iraq."

Hispanics to Right of Republicans

As democratic presidential candidates try to attract the Hispanic vote, a new poll out today shows Hispanics to the right of Republicans on two key issues. The poll, conducted by the Annenberg Public Policy Center, shows 37 percent of Hispanics want the federal government to prohibit abortion outright. Thirty-one percent of Republicans agree, while only 17 percent of Democrats do.

In addition, 58 percent of Hispanics support tax credits or school vouchers for private schools. Fifty-four percent of Republicans agree, while only 36 percent of Democrats do. On such issues as public school spending and a greater government role in health insurance coverage, Latinos tended to side with the Democrats.

Agreement Disagreement?

While the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (search) is celebrating what it says is an agreement with KFC that will make the fast-food chain change allegedly misleading statements on its Web site about the way it treats its chickens, a spokeswoman for KFC would not confirm any such agreement and instead accused PETA of continuing a, "misinformation campaign... to promote vegetarianism."

PETA had filed a lawsuit against KFC, but that lawsuit has now been dropped. The KFC spokeswoman, however, does admit that her company has updated its Web site to, "add new information and to clarify our policies regarding the treatment of chickens."

Something to Bragg About?

Rick Bragg, the former New York Times reporter who resigned from the paper after receiving criticism for using datelines from cities he hardly visited and for allegedly not giving due credit to a stringer last year, appears to have landed on his feet. He will co-author a book with former prisoner of war Jessica Lynch (search) about her growing up in America and going off to war.

The two will split a reported $1 million advance, and while Lynch will be paid royalties for book sales, there is no word on how much more Bragg might be paid for his part. The book is due out in November.

— FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report