John Edwards Made Some Mighty Good Money Working Part-Time

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Great Gig

It now turns out that John Edwards made nearly half a million dollars for a year's worth of part-time consulting for that hedge fund we told you about last week.

Edwards, you may recall, said he did consulting for the Fortress Investment Group, which deals heavily in subprime mortgages, in order to learn about how the markets affect global poverty.

Financial disclosure documents now reveal he made almost $480,000 dollars in consulting fees from Fortress last year. He reported total holdings worth $29.5 million, much of that invested with Fortress.

Talk Isn't Cheap

He was not the only one who had a good year. Republican frontrunner Rudy Giuliani reported making more than $16 million over the past 16 months — most of that in speaking fees.

Giuliani typically gets $100,000 for a speech — sometimes $200,000.

He took in more than $5 million from his law firm and lobbying company — and about $150,000 in book royalties.

Giuliani's assets totaled between $13 million and $45 million.

Law License

Former Clinton National Security Adviser Sandy Berger has agreed to forfeit his law license. Berger was convicted of removing highly classified documents from the national archives in 2005 by hiding them in his pants.

The Washington Times reports Berger's decision means he does not have to be cross-examined by The Board of Bar Counsel — where he risked further disclosure of specific details of the theft.

Taking Issue

One of Barack Obama's hometown newspapers — the Chicago Sun-Times — is
taking issue with the senator's recent explanation of his involvement with developer Tony Rezko — who was the target of a corruption probe.

Obama told ABC's George Stephanopoulos that he let Rezko help him with a real estate deal because: "We had bought a house for the first time."

Columnist Lynn Sweet writes: "This was not the first time Obama went through the process of buying a residence." She points out Obama had purchased a condominium before buying the house — and says "Obama was not the first-time residential purchaser he portrayed in the interview."

Obama also told Stephanopoulos that he was "famous" as a state senator for "not letting lobbyists even buy me lunch." But Sweet says Obama accepted donations from political action committees representing manufacturers and credit unions, as well as associations for trial lawyers, teachers and hospital workers.

Big Endorsement

Hillary Clinton has received an endorsement you probably won't be reading about on her Web site or seeing in a campaign commercial.

Jenna Jameson — who has been called the world's most famous porn star — tells "I love Hillary." And apparently it's all about business. Jameson says: "I look forward to another Democrat being in office. It just makes the climate so much better for us...the Bill Clinton administration was the best years for the adult industry and I wish that Clinton would run again."

—FOX News Channel's Martin Hill contributed to this report.