Job Interview Follow-Up by Personified's Aaron Walters

Q: What's the best way to follow-up? (i.e., e-mail/written thank you note)

A:I think a nice follow-up email is fine. It's quick, it can be concise and it's really all that I expect to know that someone was thoughtful and proactive enough to take something away from the interview.

Q: How can someone impress you in their follow-up thank you note?

A:Someone will impress me with their thank you note if they do two things:

1. Mention at least two to three items we discussed in the interview and then share their initial take on the situation. Even if it's only a line indicating that you have some interesting ideas you're looking forward to sharing in regards to the issues we discussed, it shows that you were paying attention and that you've been thinking of the job as if it is already yours.

2. If you haven't already done so in person, ask for the job. Be proactive. Make sure there is no question on the other end as to what your intentions are and whether or not you'd accept the job if offered.

Q: Do you follow up if you don't receive the job?

A:I think so. I think it's a bit more case-by-case, but yes. It's a small world and you never know what can come up down the road. Thank them for their time and promise to stay in touch about future opportunities. If something big happens in your career or you graduate a class, let them know with a quick email and an updated resume.

Aaron Walters serves as a Client Engagement Manager for Personified. He is responsible for developing plans for long-term, strategic talent-related projects and overseeing the day-to-day operations of Personified's extensive network of sourcers, recruiters and researchers. His focus is on improved client satisfaction, operational effectiveness, development of new research projects. Visit the Personified Services Section