Jesse Jackson Goes 'On the Record'

This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," June 2, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: We are live from Santa Maria, California, where Michael Jackson (search) could learn his fate as soon as Friday. The singer has been speaking and praying with Jesse Jackson (search) throughout the trial. Reverend Jackson, the founder and president of the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, joins us live from Washington. Welcome, Reverend.


VAN SUSTEREN: Reverend, when is the last time you spoke to Michael Jackson and what did he have to say?

JACKSON: About five minutes ago, really. We talked, and we had prayer. Michael has a certain assurance. He says over and over again that not only is he innocent, but he thinks that given the ebb and flow of this trial, he will prevail. He says he's innocent. I believe it because he says it. I have no evidence to the contrary. He's presumed innocent until proven guilty. Of course, what happens in this particular trial, you hear these very salacious attacks on the one hand, but on every cross-examination, there is the stench of money in it. And so now it's Mesereau (search) versus the prosecutor. But Michael, as delicate as he sounds and sings, is amazingly strong, and he's resolute.

VAN SUSTEREN: How's his health tonight? Does he say anything about his health?

JACKSON: Well, his health is good. I mean, Michael has gone through all of the pain and the agony of having these kinds of attacks upon you, and your life roll out before you. And yet, I do not know how many people could stand under this kind of attack and not wither. But he's gone through ups and downs because it's an up and down trial, but he is convinced that his innocence will ultimately prevail.

VAN SUSTEREN: Reverend, not to get everyone all jazzed up about this, but the fact is that this is an all-white jury. Now, he is an African-American who has lived a very affluent life, but nonetheless — let's assume the verdict is either guilty or not guilty. Could a guilty verdict be accepted by the African-American community from an all-white jury? Because that could be an issue.

JACKSON: Well, it could be, but perhaps not. Michael did not argue, nor his team vociferously, for a black on the jury, even though he would have liked to have had one. I mean, the prosecutor knocked off the black jurors. It seem to me, a balanced jury would have had some blacks, if it's a jury of his peers. But of course, he is in an area where there are relatively few blacks. There are some blacks on the jury who are back-ups, but sentiment has seemed to have been a more balanced jury if it, in fact, had been, in that sense, more multi-racial.

VAN SUSTEREN: So are you satisfied? I mean, in light of the fact that the defense has accepted this jury panel, gone forward, are you satisfied that this jury tonight can be fair, absent any jury misconduct that could possibly arise, but we've heard of none?

JACKSON: Well, at this point, it's the only hand that we are dealt. And it's a bit late now to argue about its racial composition. We can only now hope that in the light of the arguments — I mean, we've had some very salacious attacks on Michael's character and his intent and his actions. And then every time under cross-examination, these persons have withered in the face of the other side being told.

And what I find to be the interesting trial is the money motivation connective of them. And of course, I think there's an even bigger question may come beyond this trial, is what role is money a factor in the first — the amount of money he has, and his holdings, his assets — how did that get in the question in the first place? How did those with whom he had business dealings get involved in a case involving child molestation? That is a case to be argued another day, and no doubt, it will be argued.

VAN SUSTEREN: Jury verdicts are not perfect. Guilty men get set free and innocent men go to prison. Women, as well. In this case, has Michael Jackson spoken to you about the prospect that he could be in jail as early as tomorrow night, in prison?

JACKSON: Michael has spoken about the prospect of winning. I mean, champions don't entertain that.

VAN SUSTEREN: So he ignores that? He doesn't talk, like, Oh, my God, I could end up in prison.

JACKSON: No. Michael talks about winning and life beyond this trial. Michael talks about expanding his service, and an awful lot about relating to building a theme park in Africa, for example, and getting back to producing and writing and singing and doing his work. So he seems to be rather fixed on winning and surviving and not on losing.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, well, we'll be watching and find out what this jury does. Everyone around the world is watching. Reverend Jackson, always nice to see you. Thank you, sir.

Watch "On the Record" weeknights at 10 p.m. ET

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