Jackson Ex-Nanny: Pop Star Was Addicted to Mixing Prescription Meds

Michael Jackson's former long-time nanny said she often had to pump the King of Pop's stomach after he swallowed too many prescription medications, the Sunday Times of London reports.

Grace Rwaramba, who worked for Jackson for 17 years, claimed Jackson became outraged when his mother and sister tried to intervene — and that Jackson's home was dirty and disheveled, according to a report published Sunday in the London Times.

“I had to pump his stomach many times," Rwaramba said in an interview that appeared in the newspaper. "He always mixed so much of it. There was one period that it was so bad that I didn’t let the children see him.”

Rwaramba reportedly said Jackson never paid for a housekeeper — and that she often had to put the children's personal expenses on her own credit card, the newspaper reported.

“When Paris had her birthday this April, I wanted to buy balloons, things, to make a happy birthday. There was no money in the house," Rwaramba said in the interview. "I had to put everything on my personal credit card. I brought people to clean the house. The room of the kids needed to be cleaned. But they weren’t paid.”

Raramnba also said that the morning after Jackson's death, his mother, Katherine, called her to find out where he hid money inside his house, according to the report.

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