It's Contagious!

E-mail your words of support. Get involved. Help us demonstrate on this page that radio can bring people together to do some good. — Tony's Team

Just think about it. Just $1.00 from each man, woman, and child in this great country and these Great Warriors would have over $200 million to help in this critical transition period.

Thank you to everyone involved!


I happened to come across your journey and website via the Tony Snow website. I have to admit I am touched almost to the point of tears. Having just completed 6 years with the Marine Corps Reserve, and recently signed on with the California National Guard, your story is truly inspiring. I would like to know when Mr. Carney will be in the Phoenix area.— Keith


Chris Carney, if I were half the man you are I'd be proud. You are truly an inspiration as are all of our young men and women who serve in the Armed Forces. What is a hero? It's not someone who sells millions of copies of their CD, or hits 73 home runs, or scores 50 points a's people like our troops and people like you who give of themselves in finding ways to support and honor those individuals who gave the ultimate sacrifice in defending our liberties and freedom. Amen brother, and best of luck to you on your trek. You're a gem! We love ya...Walt B.- Gilbert, AZ

I was made aware of your cause by the link on the Tony Snow Show (be sure to thank them for their support) and, with our pastor currently in preparation to go to Iraq as an Army chaplain, this caught my attention. With our church directly affected by our pastor being called up, and one of our members in the Marines, I will be sure to get the word out to all of our friends and church members to support your wonderful cause! May God Bless You!

"Enclosed is a $l00 contribution to support Chris Carney's fundraising for those who have made a huge sacrifice while serving our country. I, for one, appreciate Chris' efforts."

— Ed O Mahoey FDNY Ladder 53

"Saw your publicity on FOX News with Tony Snow. I can't thank you enough for helping our soldiers who have sacrificed so much for us. You are all in my prayers."
— Annette Baron

I am proud to be a part of this charitable cause. I wish Chris the best of luck cross country.

—  Hockey great Pat La Fontaine:

With all that our soldiers have given for us, the opportunity to give something back to them is most welcome. Support the Wounded Warrior project.

—  Kathleen Turner

What better way for Americans to welcome back our fighting forces than to provide them with these basic essentials and at such a modest cost.  I encourage anyone who has the means to sign on with The Wounded Warrior Project.

—  Alec Baldwin

I just finished biking with Chris from East Hampton to NY city on the 18th and today making it to the state line of Medford, PA.  I just wanted to let him know that it was a most memorable experience and the best of luck on the rest of his journey.  Also, best of luck to you too Tek, who is Chris' support vehicle for the ride.  Also, I commend FOX News Radio for their remarkable job this morning.  We had more honks and horns than any given morning rush hour in the city.  Cheers!  Mike

Now here's a hero Tony, someone all young people can look up to. What a breath of fresh air. Thanks for sharing the story with us. — Mil


Well done piece!  I enjoy your style and miss you on FOX TV.  I will continue to solicit your radio program directors to get your show an outlet in the Boston area.  (WTKK, 96.9 FM)

— Peter (Wenham, MA)

Hi there,

Saw a brief report on what you are doing on television. While I can not afford to donate, I would like to say well done and great work.
— Danny (Melbourne, Australia)

I might not be able to join the race (I have my own business and have nobody to take the slack if I am gone) but would like to donate $100.00.  Hope that I can be of help!!   I HAD NO IDEA THEY NEEDED PAJAMAS AND SOCKS.  OH MY GOSH, I WILL GO BUY OUT WAL MART RIGHT NOW ... That is really bad…. With all of the money allotted for this war,  we could get them socks and stuff. It breaks my heart!
Have a blessed day!
Barbara and Melvin 

I saw your story on FOX News this morning. I am a wounded vet from OIF, currently assigned to the 4th ID at Ft. Hood. I am undergoing a medical board for medical retirement/separation as we speak. I have been to numerous media events and interviewed by the Texas Monthly since I was sent home. I have recently joined the Military Order of the Purple Heart, Centex chapter. I would love to help out in any way that I can. Keep in mind that I am still on Active Duty, but I can help out down here at Ft. Hood. Thank you for your support, I was there and know what it was like to spend a week in Landsthul, Germany in a hospital gown. Words cannot express the thanks you deserve for your selflessness.

124th SIG BN, 4th ID(M)
Ft. Hood, TX.  76544

How can we contribute to Chris Carney's efforts?
Please, give him our best. This country needs more people like him!
D. Pacifica

Dear Tony,

I am listening to you folks via the Internet and I want to support our wounded vets. Please explain how to donate $100.00 via the Internet. God bless you for caring. Please contact the American Legion in Indianapolis, IN. As a former Mexico Department Commander, I can assure the veterans want to help.

P. Jack
Matehuala, SLP< Mexico

I was so moved when I saw your promo on Fox News, I knew I had to do something to help.  I will gladly send money, but I would like to know since I live near Walter Reed if I could visit the soldiers there and do something on a more personal level, like bring cookies or clothes or books. My son is in the Army and he is currently training to be a medic.  This would help me feel better if I knew I was doing something to help our troops. Thanks for what you are doing and I look forward to hearing from you.

— Kathy

Wouldn't it be great if we could start an adopt a soldier campaign,  like 10 people adopt one soldier and commit to seeing to his/her needs. At a ratio of 10 to 1, I think it would be possible, then for sure we could get them laptops and other things to make their life prosper. I am committing today to give  at least $50 per month to the cause, that will be my minimum. I think about the idea of adopt a soldier. I am glad tony brought this to our attention via his show.
God bless all the soldiers and their families.

— Elmer,  a soldier from the 60's   

I was with Jeremy  from 3rd Ranger Battalion on Haditha Dam for OIF.  I was the Air Force guy consistantly engaged when Jeremy was wounded.  I remember seeing him being taken off the battlefield and a sense of anger overwhelmed me towards the enemy.  I will do what I can to support him and others like him.

SSGT Thomas
RRD Team 1

My name is joe, I'm a 41-year-old retired paratrooper. I had an accident when I was in the army in 1984 that left me paralyzed. So I know a little about what some of theese men are going through; bad ass paratrooper one day and screwed the next. I live out side Houston, Texas now and was just wondering if there is anyway I could help these solders. Be it money or whatever if I can.

airborne, Joe

Good Morning,
I saw the segment on FOX this morning about the ride.  I live in Lawton Ok., which is nest to Ft. Sill and we have have several of our troops deployed to Iraq.  Sadly, we have lost some of those brave men.  A young man in our church was paralyzed from the chest down when he was hit by shrapnel.  He is home and doing well, and has received great support from his fellow soldiers at Ft. Sill and his church family. 

My church has a cycling group, and although your tour is not traveling through Okla. or TX.,  if you could keep me posted when and where in Colo. it will pass, I could pass that info. along to my team and another group here.  Perhaps we could join your tour for a couple of days.


I'd like to help publicize for the ride.  Hurry,  write back, FAST! I am probably going to ride to south Iowa to check this out, too, and ride along. But if I can do something here I will.   I have time between jobs-for about 2 weeks or so and can kick in.  I am an URW on my military ID card.  Maybe one of the military people can figure out what that is for you.  It's not important, but I found out what an organization like this does to help.  YOU DON'T REALIZE HOW

Hello, My name is Martin, our son was injured in Irag back in Dec.  My wife and I found out how hard it was to stay with our son at Walter Reed Hospital.The hardships it put on us because it was so exspensive. I think this is a great thing you are doing trying to help other soldiers and their families.  Our son Randall is still at Walter Reed with a lot more reconstructive surgeries to go, so we will be heading down there again. If there is anything I can do to help when you come through Ohio.

Thank you and good luck on your trip,


I was just made aware of this ride. It looks like you will be coming through our town Yuma, Az. I was wondering if you could stop by our dealership which is less than a mile from MCAS Yuma and a few miles from Yuma Proving Grounds. Maybe we can help spread the word and help get some donations for you along the way. Please let me know what other cities are doing and how we can help. We are a major advertiser in the market and I know the media in town will be willing to help TV, Radio, Newspapers etc.
Please let me know
Thank you
Media Planner
Fisher Automotive Dealerships

I pastor a small church near Defiance, Ohio.  As so many rural communities do, we have connections with those in the military overseas.  I would be interested to know when your bike rider plans to be in Defiance.  I look forward to watching updates on your website.  Thank you for your attention to this matter.  Pastor Debbie (Evansport United Methodist Church)

Good morning!

We are Help Ministries Incorporated here in Mesa AZ.  We would like to know what involvement we can have and what we can do when the Ride gets to AZ.. Congratulations on such an awesome effort!
Help Ministries Incorporated