Is Anything Off Limits in Political Attack Ads?

This is a rush transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," August 15, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

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JOHN KASICH, GUEST HOST: In the "Unresolved Program" segment tonight: political attack ads. You may remember in 1988 the Willie Horton ad that is widely credited for helping to derail Massachusetts Governor Michael Dukakis' presidential campaign. Well, the man behind that ad is back, this time producing anti-Obama ads like this one.

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UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: America has a problem with immigrants who don't learn English. Barack Obama has a solution. Your children need to learn Spanish.

BARACK OBAMA: But understand this. Instead of worrying about whether immigrants can learn English, they will learn English. You need to make sure your child can speak Spanish.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Understand this? Speak Spanish? Why? Is he embarrassed of Americans?

OBAMA: It's embarrassing when Europeans come over here.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is this the change you want?


KASICH: Joining us now from Seattle is Floyd Brown, president of the National Campaign Fund, a PAC that has endorsed John McCain.

All right, Floyd, what are you trying to do through this campaign season? What is your goal here?

FLOYD BROWN, NATIONAL CAMPAIGN FUND: Well, what we want to do is bring up some of the issues that make the mainstream media feel uncomfortable. And you know, watching the storm over the Corsi book has just reminded me how important it is that those of us that are conservative step forward and ask some of these difficult questions of Barack Obama that others have been derelict in their duties and not asked. And so we're going to touch those issues that are the third rail in politics, things that people think are untouchable.

KASICH: All right, Floyd. I look at the, you know, this ad on this Spanish, his Spanish statement. I think it's fair game. I personally think that that was where he didn't understand where the public is. That was hitting a sour note.

But I've also seen that you are running an ad, you know, implying — and you can correct me if you want to — that somehow he's a Muslim or was a Muslim. I don't see that as being fair play. Neither does John McCain. How do you respond to that?

BROWN: Well, John, I say was he a Muslim? I don't think he's a Muslim right now. But what we have is a Barack Obama who has created kind of a cult personality around a biography that doesn't exist. Bill O'Reilly calls him the mystery man. I think that's absolutely correct.

We really delve into who he is. This is a man who was raised Muslim at least through the age of 7. Not only was his father Islamic, but his stepfather was Islamic. He was registered in school as Islamic. He had Koranic studies. He went to the mosque. And all of that's well documented. In fact, The New York Times themselves, Nicholas Kristoff, he quoted the call to prayer in perfect Arabic and then went on to say it was the most beautiful sound at evening time.

KASICH: But Floyd, I hear, but wait one second. I mean, when the guy is 7 years old. I mean, are we going to go back and vet people running for office all the way back to the age of 7?

BROWN: Well, on his site — on his Web site, Fight the Smears, he says he was never — N-E-V-E-R — Islamic. Now they have started to hedge that. Since my ad came out, they have said to some people he was never a practicing Muslim. But you know, clearly I think it's important for us to know the biography because of the way they've tried to create this cult of personality.

KASICH: But so you're saying...

BROWN: The cult of personality is part biography, John.

KASICH: I understand that.

BROWN: That's why they've made it an important question.

KASICH: Right. But you think that biography starts at 6, 4, 2?

BROWN: I think biography starts, you know...

KASICH: One of my daughters is 8-and-a-half, and you know, she says she wants to grow up to be president. I don't know whether, you know, we've got to be watching what she's doing now because somebody is going to come back and say, "Well, when you were 7," you know? I mean, you understand what I'm saying, Floyd. Is there any limits?

BROWN: John, I want to answer this specifically. Because he goes around and says, "I am a product of Kansas values. I was raised and inculcated with Kansas values." His mother was an atheist, and that's no Kansas value. Just like it's no Ohio value. It's no American value.

He has made these an issue, and if he's going to talk about the values that were inculcated in him as a small child, I think it's legitimate to talk about those issues, the cult of personality.

KASICH: So you do think, Floyd — so you do think, though, there are some personal things that are out of bounds?

BROWN: Absolutely. Like for example, I've never done an ad on the white woman that he lived with for a year after Columbia University. I mean, I think that's out of bounds. I would never do an ad on that woman, for example.

But I think he wants to have the nuclear football. And so, as a result of that, his character is in question. And character and fitness for office are absolutely legitimate question.

And you know, when he was in high school, one of the things that this whole Jerome Corsi controversy has shown to us, because they put out this 42-page booklet on him, they have confirmed for the first time who the mysterious Frank is.

KASICH: Floyd, Floyd, let me ask you this.

BROWN: Americans want to know the mysterious Frank.

KASICH: Let me ask you this, Floyd. I guess we can all — hold on, Floyd. Hold on. We're almost out of time.

Look, do you know how many people sit at home and sit around the table, and they say, "There is no way that I'm ever going to run for office." I've been — you know, I've been in the middle of it, so I know what it's like to be attacked. Here's the question. Guys like you and other people in this country have to be careful that what we're not doing is driving all the qualified people out. Because if you ask people today if they'd run for public office, they'd say, "I'd have to have a hole in my head." Do you agree that there are some places we should not go when it comes to these campaigns?

BROWN: Yes, I agree that there are some places we should not go. But when you want to be the controller of our destiny and to control that nuclear football, and we've got troops pouring into Georgia from Russia…

KASICH: I hear you.

BROWN: I want somebody who's qualified.

KASICH: That's what I want to talk about. I want to talk about those kinds of issues rather than what somebody's doing at 7. But you've got — I mean, you've got my attention. I'm got to get home tonight to tell my daughter, "You've got to be careful. You've got to be careful what you do."

But I've got your point, Floyd, and I appreciate you coming on. And we'll see you, I'm sure, at one of these conventions. Thanks.

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