Iraq Handover: Speak Out!

Sovereignty has been turned over to the interim government in Iraq -- but the nation remains a hotbed of terrorist activity, and its security situation is far from settled.

Some Iraqi officials say that imposing martial law would enable them to get the upper hand over the insurgents who have been trying to derail democracy.

Iraq handover: Speak Out!

A sample of your responses:

It is a tremendous occasion, a day to rejoice. It is a real act, under real circumstances, and the start of the end for our troops, for now for the first time in what 464 days, now we can start to look forward to coming home. For the Iraqis it is the start of the long and winding road to self realization, after all we did not become what we are in a day.
John M.

Of course it's a positive step that the Transitional Government has taken over in Iraq.  All the Negative Nancys and Bush Haters out there won't see this no matter how many good things happen over there.
Atlanta, GA

This is a great time for the Iraqis. I hope our NATO allies can deal with it, especially Jacques. A brilliant move to hold the ceremony when they did.
Reed G.
Hemphill, TX

Excellent, Nothing like wrong footing the terrorists.
Mitch N.
Manila, Philippines

I am very happy for Iraq and now that they are in control of their future, the world needs to be happy also. I am sick of all of the negativity. There are brave American men and women and people from many nationalities risking their lives every single day over there, don't we owe them more than our doubts.  The terrorists have their own agenda, they are murderers. Do murderers care about anything? No.... The eradication of terrorism will not be done overnight. The US and many other country's have yet to conquer their own internal problems of racism, gangs and crime.  No country cures its problems overnight.  Give Iraq a chance. Stop all of this constant criticism, it only fuels the radicals.  The sacrifice the coalition has made, what has been given back to Iraq and the what the world has gained can and will only be seen over time.  Terrorism breeds like racism and poverty, it is passed down from one generation to the other and no matter how hard governments and people try there are some out there who will do exactly what they want to do - no matter who it hurts.
Nicole R.
Oxford, England

Why do I have no faith in the new Irapi government? We (U.S.) gave up alot to get Saddam, I don't trust giving him up to Irap. DO U?

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