Hurricanes and Speeches

Friday we'll be all over Hurricane Frances (search). I was a reporter in Florida back when Andrew made it look like a war zone and there are some forecasters who are predicting that Frances will be worse.

We'll also cover the convention, of course, as both delegates and protesters have their last hurrahs. We'll dissect the president's speech, so please e-mail me with your comments about which parts of the speech you like and don't like:

Oh, and Roland Betts will finally be on the show. I mentioned in Wednesday's blog that Roland is one of the president's closest friends in the whole world. Their wives are best pals, their kids are friends  — you get the picture. It's not surprising that Roland is voting for Bush this election — except that he's a diehard Democrat. So why is he crossing over?

By the way… Roland was SUPPOSED to be on the show Thursday, but he blew me off — imagine that! — when the president called him and asked him to spend the day with him. Hmm... in a choice between hanging out with the leader of the free world, or wading through the protesters to get to FOX News Channel, he picks the president? I'm crushed.


Watch "DaySide with Linda Vester" weekdays at 1 p.m. ET