Hot Gifts for Grown-Ups

You've got the kids' lists, but what should you get for your husband or wife?

Holiday shoppers are starting to hit the stores, trying to get the latest and greatest gifts for their loved ones. Still not sure what's out there ... or what's hot and what's not? Here's the list you'll want to check twice.

'Tis the month before Christmas, and all through the stores, the shoppers start running, at the first sight of open doors.

From iPods (search) to flat-screens, electronics are hot. And digital cameras (search) capture that perfect shot.

Consumer electronics expert Corey Greenberg recommended the PalmOne Zire 72 handheld personal digital assistant (search).

"For $249, it's got a built-in video camcorder," he said.

For the techie or Trekkie, the Next Generation DVD Dream System by Sony (search) doesn't take up much space.

The cost? Just about $800 for six speakers, with bass.

Wanna dazzle mom, and give her a new reason to sing? Nothing says forever like a sparkling necklace or diamond ring (a Tiffany's (search) 17-carat diamond pendant is $750).

And whether you're naughty or nice ... a last word of advice:

"Some stores are limiting the amount of returns you can take back, so it's important to look for money-back guarantees," said consumer trends expert Mike Morris.

FOX News' Melanie Kron and Todd Connor contributed to this report.