Honoring Wounded American Veterans

With all the attention ABC newsman Bob Woodruff is getting after being gravely injured in Iraq and making a remarkable comeback, thanks to his courage and that of his family, this is a good time for all of us to help wounded vets.

Actor Gary Sinise, star of "CSI: New York," is leading a move to raise $40 million to fund a memorial in Washington honoring those Americans who have sacrificed their health in defense of this country.

Mr. Sinise is a true patriot. He's been to Iraq a number of times, doesn't use his good deeds to promote himself as some others do, and is devoted to honoring America's wounded warriors.

So we're going help. If you go to billoreilly.com we have information posted about the Disabled Veterans Life Memorial Foundation. And we hope you check it out.

The key to this, of course, is corporate donations. The foundation already has the land near the Capitol, but needs America's companies to step up with big donations. Since we have more corporate CEOs watching than most other news programs, we hope you ladies and gentlemen will help out. Individual donations are great, but corporations will make this happen.

Since 9/11, clear thinking Americans understand the vital role the military plays in protecting this country and the great sacrifices our troops are making all over the world. And since the Revolutionary War, it's been that way.

"The Factor" is dedicated to seeing that our wounded forces get all the care they need. We're watching that very closely. And now we are signing on to help Gary Sinise with the memorial.

So we're asking all of you to walk the walk here. Let's get this memorial built and honor those who have made a tremendous sacrifice, so that we can pursue happiness without fear. This is a noble cause. I thank Gary Sinise for his efforts. And we will mention all the corporations who step up.

So let's get going: billoreilly.com is the place to start. We'll keep you posted on a weekly basis.

And that is The Memo.

Most Ridiculous Item

Eighty-year-old Therese Smith of Boca Raton, Florida, wanted to get her driver's license renewed, so she drove to the motor vehicles place.

Unfortunately, she didn't exactly pass the parking test. In fact, she parked inside the building, not in a designated space. Ms. Smith, unfortunately, injured 11 people, none seriously, and we presume she took a cab home. To not do so would have been ridiculous.

—You can catch Bill O'Reilly's "Talking Points Memo" and "Most Ridiculous Item" weeknights at 8 and 11 p.m. ET on the FOX News Channel and any time on foxnews.com/oreilly. Send your comments to: oreilly@foxnews.com