Hillary Clinton Doesn't Object to Someone Calling President Bush a Bad Name

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Watch Your Language

An elderly woman attending a Hillary Clinton rally Sunday posed a question to the senator concerning President Bush — and referred to him as — "Bush the bastard." Media reports say Mrs. Clinton smiled and bobbed her head slightly.

She did not say anything to in disagreement with the woman — whose question dealt with the widely-circulated conspiracy theory about the president preparing to push for the creation of a North American currency to replace the dollar. Senator Clinton replied that there was not a lot of truth to the rumor.

Last year Republican candidate John McCain was widely criticized for not admonishing a questioner who referred to Mrs. Clinton as — "the bitch."

Term Limits

A new poll indicates fewer Americans are receptive to the idea of returning Bill Clinton to the White House —even if it's only as the president's husband.

The Pew Research Center says respondents were evenly spit on the idea – 41 percent liked it — 41 percent did not. But that is a drop from last October — when 43 percent thought it was a good idea, and 34 percent didn't.

The biggest change came in Independent voters. They now oppose the concept 45-to-36. That's a 10 point increase in the "dislike" column from a few months ago — when Independents liked the idea by a 41-35 margin.

The Peacemaker

Actor George Clooney went to the United Nations last week as part of his new role as what is called a "messenger of peace." He wanted to brief representatives about his recent trip to several African nations — as he seeks to help end ethnic conflicts in Darfur.

But the London Daily Telegraph reports several nations — including Russia and France — refused to let Clooney speak publicly at a meeting of nations that contribute troops to the U.N.'s peacekeeping missions. So Clooney was relegated to talking with reporters instead.

Said the actor of the snub — "There are groups that don't feel that I necessarily class up the joint and don't feel that I should be speaking to them."

Be Nice

The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is calling on China to treat rats with kindness and respect. Chinese are celebrating the start of the Year of the Rat. PETA is asking the Chinese government to consider animal welfare laws for rats used in laboratory experiments and other scientific research.

Says a spokeswoman with PETA's Asia-Pacific branch — "Rats sing, they dream, and they express empathy for others."

FOX News Channel's Martin Hill contributed to this report.