Harry Potter Tops Gitmo Detainees' Reading List?

Consider this an invitation to write to MyWord@FOXnews.com and tell me what this means… because I can't figure it out.

Here's the story. It comes from one of my favorite reporters, Rowan Scarborough at The Washington Times.

He reports Monday that topping the most requested book list at Gitmo — where the U.S. has imprisoned the world's most dangerous terrorists — is Harry Potter (search).

Yes, the pubescent sorcerer, the character who made a woman who wrote her first novel on her kitchen table while on welfare and who is now a billionaire. Harry Potter is among the most requested books for Gitmo (search) detainees.

Now let's not be confused here. Most of the time the terrorists spend their time reading the Koran. They wear out the copies that our military prison guards give them.

But they have time for other reading, evidently. And while Harry Potter tops the request list, according to Scarborough's sources they also like Agatha Christie (search).

So go figure. Harry Potter's magic and Agatha Christie's mysteries are the relaxation of choice for guys who would spend their free time figuring out how to attack America if we didn't have them under lock and key and behind those lovely tangles of razor wire.

This takes me back to the top.

What does this mean?

What are we supposed to take from this fact?

Is this an example of what French philosopher Jean Paul Sartre (search) called the banality of evil?

He was talking about Nazis, those drained old men who sat silently during the Nuremberg Trials while the world watched trying to figure out what kind of people could plan and carry out a Holocaust that killed six million plus.

Sartre wasn't too impressed with the cut down to size Nazis and he called them banal — ordinary, boring, dull, routine, blah.

Well that's what I think about these terrorists, I guess. They're so fearsome when they're on the loose, free to plot and scheme. But when you put them behind razor wire, they become just another bunch of bored unshaven men waiting for the guy in the next cell to finish the Harry Potter book and pass it on.

That's my take, I guess. The banality of evil — again.

That's My Word.

Watch John Gibson weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on "The Big Story" and send your comments to: myword@foxnews.com