Happy Birthday!

FOX & Friends turn 1500 -- but whose counting?

FOX fans sound off on their favorite morning show:

I never watched a.m shows until we got FNC in 2000. Been a fan ever since. Good luck and God Bless.
John J.
Memphis, TN

I wish I could be there today but, unfortunately I'm several thousand miles away across the pond in the UK, have a great 1500th show and may there be 1500 more! Keep 'em coming.
Gerard H.
Malvern, England.

WOW we have been through a lot together, I feel like I know you all so well. ED you are just the nicest lady, Steve I know you are a great dad and a great person, Brian you great at sports and very smart -- you dont let anyone get away with anything -- you're great. Love you guys!
Donna F.
Williamstown, NJ

Congratulations. Today's show, ala pre-9/11, is the best. Some of my favorites from the past were the wedding show, the dunk tank, the Late Night Catechism nun, and, of course, the day my dog was pet of the day.
Wishing you all the best.
Tucson, AZ 

HAPPY 1500th SHOW! We watch your show everyday while we get ready for work & school and just love it. 
Bill, Julie & Kalista F.
Spotsylvania, VA.

E.D., Steve, & Brian,  Congratulations on 1500 shows. I watch you every morning. You three make my day. I love your honesty, the way you don't act phony, and you really are friends. Thank you, and heres to 1500 more!
Haubstadt, IN

Congratulation Steve, Brian, E.D., and especially "my lady" Lauren on your 1500th Celebration show.  I make a special effort every morning to get my "Fox and Friends" fix.  You give me the foundation for a successful day.  Best of luck to the whole "Fox and Friends" crew and staff. 
Mel G.
Lompoc, CA

I just wanted to wish you all a very happy 1500th episode birthday!! I watch you everyday, actually I have no idea what I would do without all of you. You make my morning, as soon as my husband leaves for work I change the channel to Fox :). You make me laugh and cry, as I sit here watching you all celebrate with all the other Fox and friends lovers I am so glad you've become a part of my daily life, now it's not dull, congratulations to all of you and keep up the fantastic work!!

Congratulations Steve, E.D. and Brian!  You are awesome! I may not always agree with the news, but you three make the day worth starting! Without my coffee and a morning dose of the "Friends", I feel like going back to bed and starting all over. Please keep it coming!
Lynn P.

Ever since I was channel surfing, the morning after the start of the 2002 Winter Olympics, and saw "Huddy, McCuddy, and their buddy Bob," I've loved the show.  LOVE Juliet's opinions... and Monica's... and Judge Napolitano's... and the rest of you all. Congrats -- and to another 4500 shows! 
Erik W.
Clifton Park, NY

CONGRATS! Happy 1500, keep making my mornings funny and informative.
Kenny L.
Glenville, NC

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