Guests and Topics: September 19

We are taking this show the road!

Hannity & Colmes will be coming to you from the Ford Community and Performing Arts Center in Dearborn, Michigan… There will be some great debates and we'll take questions from our live audience!

How safe is the U.S./Canadian border? One man on the front lines says not safe enough. Border Patrol Agent and the Vice President of the Border Patrol Union Robert Lindemann will have the details on why he thinks there aren't enough agents to patrol the 804 mile border between Michigan and Canada.

Also should Muslim Americans accept greater scrutiny because of the events of September 11? Is there any level of scrutiny that should be expected? We'll debate that with Jewish World Review Columnist, Debbie Schlussel, along with Fadi Kidlawi from the Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee.

Oliver North joins the team in Detroit and will talk about his new book, Mission Compromised.

And what does Michigan want to know about Hannity & Colmes? Sean and Alan will find out when they take questions from the audience!

Don't miss Hannity & Colmes, the most unpredictable show on television, tonight at 9 p.m. ET

-All guests and topics subject to change