Guests and Topics: Sept. 6

Don't miss the debate LIVE weeknights at 9 p.m. and 2 a.m. ET!

Stay with the # 1 nightly debate program on cable news because — We Debate. You Decide.

It's Labor Day!

Don't miss this special edition of the hottest debate show!

We have the latest on the power of hurricane Frances (search). What damage has she caused in Florida and other areas? And where is she heading now?

Take a look at the candidates after the conventions. Have President Bush's approval ratings improved? Or is he still running neck-to-neck with John Kerry? Find out!

These stories and much more!

Don't miss "Hannity & Colmes" LIVE this evening at 9 p.m. and 2 a.m. ET!

—All topics and guests subject to change.