Guests and Topics: October 5

See you in the No Spin Zone at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET!

Tonight... "The O'Reilly Factor" is on!

We'll preview the first, and only, Vice Presidential debate of the 2004 presidential campaign with FNC Contributor and former Democratic V.P. candidate Geraldine Ferraro and former Clinton adviser Dick Morris.

Vice President Dick Cheney (search) and North Carolina Sen. John Edwards (search) are expected to have a no-holds barred showdown tonight, when the two men will square off for the first and only vice presidential debate in the 2004 race for the White House.

In what's being dubbed by some as "the race for Case" — since the debate will be held at Case Western University (search) in Cleveland, Ohio — Cheney and Edwards will appear in a town-hall style setting to answer a wide variety of questions that could include issues like the War on Terror, the war in Iraq, the economy, jobs and health care.

A coin toss determined that Cheney will answer the first question and Edwards will go first in closing remarks. The candidates will sit at a table facing moderator Gwen Ifill (search) of PBS.

Of course, you can watch the debate live on the FOX News Channel at 9 p.m. ET, immediately following "The Factor" ... and that's No Spin!

Plus, what do Dan Rather and Martha Stewart have in common?

And, polls show a very tight race but who's ahead when it comes to electoral votes? We'll have the surprising answer.

These stories and more plus a brand new edition of the world-famous "Talking Points Memo!"

About the Show

"Other interview news shows are guest-driven," says Emmy award-winning broadcast journalist Bill O'Reilly. "'The O'Reilly Factor' is driven by me. I will not stand for 'spin.' I look for guests who will stand up and verbally battle for what they believe in."

"The O'Reilly Factor" uncovers news items from the established wisdom and goes against the grain of the more traditional interview-style programs. O'Reilly's signature "No Spin Zone" cuts through the rhetoric as he interviews the players who make the story newsworthy.

Pushing beyond just the headlines, "The O'Reilly Factor" also features issues from local markets that do not find the national spotlight on other newscasts. According to O'Reilly, "Just because a story originates from somewhere the networks typically avoid, doesn't mean it contains less challenging issues, or compelling ideas."

See you in the No Spin Zone, tonight at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m. ET!

— All topics and guests subject to change.