Guests and Topics: October 30

Tonight on Hannity & Colmes

Former Vice President Walter Mondale is set to announce that he will launch a campaign to replace Sen. Paul Wellstone, who died in a plane crash last Friday.

Under the state's current plan, people who have already mailed in their ballots and want to change their vote will have to go to a local election office and get a new ballot, something Democrats argue is not possible for many absentee voters. Now both parties are accusing each other of playing politics…Democratic strategist, Doug Hattaway and former NY Congressman John Leboutillier join the debate...

And you decide 2002! Jennifer Palmieri, DNC spokesperson and Mindy Tucker, RNC spokesperson will weigh in on the upcoming elections.

Do you think the networks should bag all talk show trash? We ask the ringmaster Jerry Springer!

More than 200 illegal Haitian immigrants jumped overboard, waded ashore and rushed onto a major highway Tuesday after their 50-foot wooden freighter ran aground off Miami. Late Tuesday night and early into Wednesday morning, about 100 protesters marched outside the Immigration and Naturalization Service building in Miami, chanting in Creole: "No no, we won't go, if you send us away we'll come back. America is for all of us." The demonstrators asked for access to the Haitians and requested legal representation for them. Do they deserve special consideration that other immigrant groups aren't getting?

Don't miss Hannity & Colmes, the most unpredictable show on television, tonight at 9 p.m. ET

-All guests and topics subject to change