Guests and Topics: Oct. 5

Watch "Hannity & Colmes" weeknights at 9 p.m. ET!

Wednesday, October 5:

Here's just some of what we've got planned for you tonight:

• Bringing drugs across the border! As illegals flood the U.S. — Sean uncovers the major drug smuggling problem authorities now face. Join us as we talk with a Drug Enforcement Association (search) agent tonight about the growing problem.

The controversy over illegal immigrants: should California declare a state of emergency? We’ll look at how serious the problem is with former California governor Pete Wilson.

Plus, are illegal immigrants causing our highways to be more deadly? We’ll talk with Dianne Jacobs, the San Diego supervisor about the number of deadly car crashes caused by those who’ve illegally crossed the border.

And as California hospitals become flooded with illegal immigrants, is it time for the state to take a stronger stand on securing its borders? We’ll ask David Green, CEO of California’s El Centro Regional Medical Center.

And is there more fallout over President Bush’s decision to nominate Harriet Miers (search) to the Supreme Court. We’ll talk with Kenneth Starr, former solicitor general and the current dean of Pepperdine University’s School of Law.

These stories and much more ... don't miss "Hannity & Colmes" tonight at 9 p.m. ET!

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About the Show

Fast-paced and hard-hitting, "Hannity & Colmes" brings viewers a heated discussion in a nightly face-off. Relishing in controversial topics, personalities and social issues, conservative radio commentator Sean Hannity and liberal radio personality Alan Colmes offer their points-of-view in an often animated, always compelling debate.

But, unlike similar debate shows — which often appear scripted — "Hannity & Colmes" conducts a live, spur of the moment deliberation on politics and social topics. Also, differentiating the show is its dedication to "move away from the Beltway," bringing audiences an alternative discussion program without the "in" comments.

Adding fuel to the fire, several high-profile guests have joined the program on a wide-range of topics.

"With guests who are 'in the middle of the fight,' we're able to hear their point-of-view on the topics, as well as advance our own feelings," said Hannity.

"Believe it or not, I agree with that statement," quipped Colmes.