Guests and Topics: June 19

Tonight on Hannity & Colmes...

The latest on the Elizabeth Smart case.

Israeli chaos: has the violence gotten out of control?
Jack Kemp, of Empower America.

The latest in the search for Elizabeth Smart. And why are the police reluctant to share what they know?
Shane Siwik, searching for Elizabeth
Ted Williams, former D.C. homicide detective

Is it time to pull the plug on Big Bird? Many say that PBS needs to be taken off the government payroll
Laurence Jarvik, PBS: Behind the Screen
Jeff Chester, Center for Digital Democracy

Is toxic sludge saving wildlife in our nation's capital? the Army Corps of Engineers reportedly dumps roughly 200,000 tons of toxic sludge in the Potomac River every single year. "The Washington Times" reported that an internal document from the Environmental Protection Agency claims that "it is not a ridiculous possibility that the sludge actually protects the fish by forcing them to flee the area and local fishermen."
Rep. George Radanovich, (R-CA)

Is one airline discriminating against overweight passengers by making them buy two seats?
Jerry Taylor, CATO Institute
Walter Lindstrom, Obesity Law and Advocacy Center

About the Show:

Every weeknight, Hannity & Colmes brings you an unscripted, fast-paced discussion.

Sean  (the conservative one) and Alan Colmes (the liberal) take on controversial topics, personalities and social issues.

High-profile guests add fuel to the fire!

Don't miss Hannity & Colmes, the most unpredictable show on television, tonight at 9 p.m. ET

-All guests and topics subject to change