Guests and Topics: July 2

Tonight on Hannity & Colmes... join the debate!

Supreme Court (search) ruling last week barred prosecution of old sex crimes. Will convicted child molesters be set free as a result?

What are the major ramifications for priests and others convicted of child molesting? We’ll examine the situation.

It's been three weeks since Baylor University basketball player, Patrick Dennehy (search), vanished. Reports have been coming out daily about the case.

Mark Fuhrman will be here to help us separate the speculation from the facts.

Also, political consultant Dick Morris will join us. Don’t miss the debate!

Plus, don’t miss the best of Hannity and Colmes to be aired this Fourth of July.

Actor Ron Silver explains Tinseltown’s reaction to the war in Iraq. Plus, actor Mike Farrell from Artist United to Win Without War debates the issue.

Actress Kelly Preston talks about why she's taking her campaign to get kids off of psychiatric drugs all the way to Capitol Hill.

Also, don’t miss Sean's special interview with Florida Governor Jeb Bush. What is in store for the brother of our current president and the son of a former president?

And don’t miss the interview with Michael Durant, the Blackhawk Down pilot.

Watch Hannity & Colmes LIVE this evening at 9 p.m. ET!

--The Associated Press contributed to this report

-All guests and topics subject to change