Guests and Topics for October 5 & 6

The news doesn't stop on the weekend and neither does FOX & Friends.

So start your weekend in the know with hosts Juliet Huddy and Mike Jerrick.


On Monday night, President Bush will address the nation on the threat posed by Iraq. Will the president get the support from Washington that he needs? We'll get the Long and the Short of It from Fox News contributors Ellen Ratner and Jim Pinkerton.

The White House is telling the United Nation's chief weapons inspector to push hard for full access to check out Saddam Hussein's arsenal. But will they find anything at this point? Former U.N. weapons inspector David Kay gives us an insider's view.

What type of operation would be the best to unseat Saddam from power? Former Green Beret Lieutenant Col. Gordon Cucullu breaks down the military options.

Johnny Walker -- the American Taliban -- gets 20 years in prison. Was justice served? Cynthia Alksne, former federal prosecutor, joins us from our D.C. bureau.

Five ordinary Americans in a Maryland suburb were struck down on Thursday -- the victims of an apparent spree killer. How will authorities track down the sniper? Former FBI investigator William Daly joins us with his perspective.

Martha Stewart resigns from the board of directors of the New Your Stock Exchange. Is this a sign that she'll soon leave her post as head hospitality honcho of her corporation? We'll ask managing editor of Forbes magazine, Dennis Kneale.

She sings out against the evils of Republican big business, but gets caught red handed buying Cheney's Halliburton stock! Is Barbra Streisand a hypocrite? Fox News contributor Armstrong Williams joins us from D.C.

Will Red Dragon take a bite out of the box office? Bill McCuddy sits down with Hannibal himself, Sir Anthony Hopkins.


Is the U.S. military ready for an invasion of Iraq? Retired U.S. Navy Admiral Eugene Carrol offers insight.

Could Saddam Hussein use his oil reserves as a strategic weapon? We'll have a complete report.

Plus, Bill McCuddy takes you inside the mind of a monster with Red Dragon's Ralph Fiennes.

Don't miss a moment with us! Watch FOX & Friends weekdays at 6 a.m. ET and weekends at 7 a.m. ET on the Fox News Channel.

About the Show...

This offbeat morning show features anchors E.D. Hill, Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade. They take a look at the day's news, sports and weather from a different perspective. It is an interactive show where you can call in to voice your opinion or have your e-mail read. Anything can happen and usually does!

Every day, syndicated radio host and FOX contributor Mancow joins the show with unique insights and commentary on the day's news events, bringing his own brand of offbeat and irreverent humor from his WKQX studio in Chicago.

Plus, now you can watch America's No. 1 cable news morning show seven days a week, as hosts Juliet Huddy, Bill McCuddy and Bob Sellers man the morning show ship on the weekends!

There's no telling what FOX & Friends will be cooking up outside our Manhattan studios on 6th Avenue. So, if you are in New York, drop by - the Morning Crew loves an audience! We are located at:  1211 Avenue of the Americas, between 47th and 48th streets.

- Note: Guests and topics subject to change.Fox News does not endorse content on external sites.