Griffs Notes 3/5/07

Want to know what Ann Coulter, Starbucks’ Bran Muffins and the Military health care system all have in common?

They’re all worthless, in my opinion. All three have contributed to making my blood boil this Monday. And all three employ various forms of deceit to deliver their veiled evilness.

In the case of Coulter, she flew off the handle at CPAC on Friday (which I was covering for the television folks) and called Democratic Presidential hopeful John Edwards a “faggot.” I suppose IF it were widely known that Edwards had gay tendencies THEN an outrageous comment like that could at the very least be understood. But it’s not known – or even suspected at all. Coulter did a similar thing last year at CPAC using the term “raghead.” Bottom Line: she wants to sell books, so she hijacked the conservative message at a political conference and single-handedly tainted the entire event as well as those present. Interestingly too, Edwards’ response to the remark was an immediate mass email seeking to raise funds to combat attacks from folks like Ann. Fighting greed with greed, it’s the new American way?

In the case of the much more serious and troubling issue of military health care, I am appalled at the stories that are coming out now. I will have much more to say on this issue as I learn more – but on the surface, most of us have heard about the horrific conditions at Building 18 at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Heck, I’ve been to Walter Reed on numerous occasions and had no idea that there was a major problem there. The main building where the trauma patients are treated is a state-of-the-art facility. But after listening to hearings on the Hill today from wounded soldiers and their spouses, I am grievously irritated that the story of Building 18 is indicative of a much broader problem that our vets are facing when they come home. This is unacceptable on every possible level and I hope that the story will find its way onto our front pages until it’s resolved. I can’t wait to dig deep into this one.

And in the case of Starbucks, I think you’re really having a bad day when you actually get mad at a Bran muffin. Nevertheless, I am blue-in-the-face angry that the Bran muffin that I have been eating lately – as a healthier alternative to say a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich at Starbucks – has more fat and more calories than almost anything else in the food section. That’s right. That unattractive, bland, brown rounded piece of baked cardboard-tasting fiber bomb is worse for you than the aforementioned breakfast sandwich, the blueberry scone or muffin, the Apple Fritter, the Espresso Brownie and even the Chocolate Cupcake! It packs a whopping 22 grams of FAT and 410 CALORIES. So if you, like me, grew up watching your parents eating Bran because it was good for them and now you are following their examples – STOP NOW BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE unless you want to get fat and die early. (In fairness to Starbucks, they do deserve credit for posting their nutritional information on their website.)

Call it a case of the Monday blues – but the moral of the story is: Pay no attention to Ann. Avoid eating muffins with Bran. And demand the very best for our veterans’ health care plan!

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