Griffs Notes 2/23/2007

I’m back - and as usual with excuses. But good excuses, I might add. I have been in Los Angeles for the last three days chasing Barack Obama who has managed to become the political darling of Tinseltown for the moment. But the real reason for my radio silence is that I have a new pilot program called "It’s Out There" airing this Sunday night at 10:30p on the FOX News Channel.

"It’s Out There" is a groundbreaking show dealing primarily with the latest political, celebrity and cultural issues in the blogosphere. Conservative blogger and columnist Michelle Malkin, and former Clinton Administration aide Kirsten Powers will host it. I play the role of the "webmaster." This means I will lead the ladies to various sites and stories on the web and occasionally get out of the office to cover something that catches my eye.

While we were in LA, I drew upon my somewhat persistent "Jack Russell" journalistic skills and actually managed to get a few words with Sen. Barack Obama at an outdoor rally. And there can be no doubt after the recent flare-up between David Geffen (who helped raise $1.3 million for Obama) and Sen. Hillary Clinton that Obama has made a real impact on the Hollywood crowd.

Thus Barack is prominently featured in a package that I am putting together for the show along with an interview with a porn star, a skateboarder and a dog. And perhaps the real shocker of the trip was the "look of love" that I got from Jennifer Aniston on the red carpet at the Beverly Hills Hilton. But that’s just ONE small part of the jam-packed half hour alternative to Oscar fatigue!

So here’s the deal: You will need relief from Ellen DeGeneres, so change the channel at 10:30p ET to "It’s Out There." We even a have a "Mystery Blogger" who is a major celebrity joining remotely into the show - and I don’t even know who it is?!

If you own a computer and spend time on the web, you need to watch this show. If you don’t own a computer and spend time on the web, you REALLY need to watch this show. And remember… It’s Out There!

I can be reached for questions and comments at <>.