Government's Big Behavioral Science Experiment

This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," July 30, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GLENN BECK, HOST: Hey, for all you lab geeks out there, you're going to be excited to know that the government is gearing up to conduct one of the biggest scientific experiments ever and you get to be a part of it.

It's called H.R. 3247. It's a bill proposed by Congressman Brian Baird.

It seeks to, and I quote: "Establish social and behavioral science research programs. They would seek to identify and understand social and behavioral factors that influence energy consumption, to promote the utilization of the results of social and behavioral research to improve the design, development and demonstration and application of energy technologies policies and programs."

Oh, this is fantastic. Remember the book "1984"? Sure. It's nothing like that. Really, this is completely different.

There'll also be a director of social and behavioral research. Oh man, I doubt if it will be, you know, like anybody with crazy beliefs, you know, like every other "czar." This one is going to be totally just like you.

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They're going to study us and find ways to essentially trick us into driving crappy hybrids and I bet that's just the beginning. As Time magazine summarized on April 2: "The president — President Obama is still relying on behavioral science. But now, his administration is using it to try to transform the country" — they didn't say this like it was a bad thing, either — "because when you know what makes people tick, it's a lot easier to help them change."

Well, that doesn't sound creepy at all. It doesn't.

And interestingly enough, it doesn't sound very American, either. But what is that now that we're in a global community? When has that ever stopped Barack Obama before? I mean, hey, if it's for the betterment of the collective — you know what I'm saying?

Joining me now is Congressman Dana Rohrabacher of California.

Congressman, you were one of the guys that were actually, really fighting against this bill yesterday. What — what in Crazy Town — AKA Washington — is going on?

REP. DANA ROHRABACHER, R-CALIF.: Well, this exemplifies something that has been happening underneath the surface. Rarely do you get someone as honest as Brian Baird and as sincere as he is, explaining the real purpose behind his bill, which is behavior modification.

So, he wants to set up a behavior modification "czar" at the Department of Energy. You know, we Republicans feel government is supposed to be controlled by the people, and obviously, the frame of mind that comes from this bill is: The government should control the people.

BECK: Well, I'm just thinking, gosh, Congressman, some might say this sounds like — oh, I don't know — propaganda.

ROHRABACHER: Well, that is exactly what they intend and, actually, I think the word was used in the debate. They believe that people just aren't doing the right things, because they're not making choices that these liberal leftists want them to make, and thus, there must be something wrong with them.

BECK: Sure.

ROHRABACHER: Let's psychoanalyze them.

BECK: They're insane.

ROHRABACHER: And, this is — this is as arrogant as it comes. And I will tell you, and Brian is a very nice guy, he is well intended, but you know what the people who put us on the road with all good intentions, they can put us on the road to you know where.

BECK: I'm going to say it — hell or Moscow.

ROHRABACHER: That's right.

BECK: One of the two.

Help me out with this one. This is what Representative Baird said —
he said: "We are not only going to unleash psychiatrists on you, it's going to be anthropologists and economists and psychologists. This is vicious, freedom-grabbing mind control at its most pernicious. And I think we should desperately hide in fear, because without a doubt, the Martians and the communists are right behind."

He was mocking anyone who had a problem with a behavioral research czar and propaganda — mocking.

ROHRABACHER: That's right. Well, the trouble with this debate was
— and by the way, it was passed by party-line vote: All of the Democrats voted for it; all the Republicans voted against it. But you can't tell when they're being facetious or not.

You heard some people there making arguments that, "We have to tell our children whether or not to turn the lights on and off." Well, you know, we — our retort was, you don't treat the American people like children. Children shouldn't have all the rights and make independent decisions. But adults in this country don't deserve to be sent to a psychiatrist if they disagree with some little liberal guru.

BECK: OK. Thank you very much, Congressman. You keep up the good fight.

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