'Glenn Beck': Who Is Charles Ogletree?

This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," July 7, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GLENN BECK, HOST: America, this is pretty amazing. I'm trying — I'm trying to explain why the DOJ would excuse these guys.

Tiffany, can you please play the — could you please play the "kill the cracker" or whatever he said?

Let me play this for you, because these guys have been left off. Militant intimidation. They've been let go.

Militant intimidation. Militant intimidation. Militant intimidation. Terrorists. Militant intimidation. This — this is the collection. This is the civilian defense force I think of the president of the United States.

These guys, how do they fit in? Besides using the same kind of tactics — remember, here is what this man said, the DOJ just kind of dismisses. Here it is:


SAMIR SHABAZZ, NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY: I hate white people. All of them. Every last iota of a cracker, I hate it, because we're still in this condition, man.

You want freedom? You're going to have to kill some crackers. You're going to have to kill some of their babies. Let us get our act together.


BECK: This is pretty amazing stuff. We are traveling back 50 years. The difference is race is different. The hate is the same. Race and the tactics are different.

Now, we've shown you this picture, the president with Charles Ogletree. Who is he? Well, he was a prominent lawyer, he still is; professor of Harvard University. He's a respected guy.

But let's look at his past. He grew up in California. He went to college in the early 1970s. He attended Stanford University.

It was when he was at Stanford University that he started hating the elitism of the university, and became involved in the Black Power movement — Black Power. It emphasized the radical pride and promoted black collective interest.

Now, I recognize some of that language, because of the Black Panther — the original, not the new guys, the original. A lot of it is the same language. But they don't mix, OK?

He edited the Black Panther newspaper. Here's a copy of it, The Real News. OK? He was an editor.

Ogletree also attended every single day of the trial of this woman. This woman is Angela Davis, OK? She was a Black Power activist.

She was also a communist. You might remember her name. She was fired from UCLA in 1969 after she admitted she was a communist.

Remember, at that time in 1969, if you were a communist, you were — you were against the United States of America. It's not like a communist now — oh, everybody is a communist. No! Back then it was a very big deal. You were on the side of the Soviet Union.

In 1970, she landed on the FBI's 10 most wanted list charged with murder, kidnapping and conspiracy. She allegedly supplied guns used in Marion County courthouse shootout that left four people dead, including the judge. The assailants were trying to spring free three convicts who had committed a murder.

Davis said, well, I wasn't there, and she wasn't. But two of the guns were used were registered in her name, and she was also heavily involved in the defense of the convicts. Oh, and she was admittedly in love with one of the convicts. But she had nothing to do with it.

Free Angela Davis — it was a campaign that started and she was acquitted in 1972. Her attorney said it took a worldwide movement to get people to acquit Ms. Davis.

Well, eventually, Ogletree and Davis became friends and they have been for over 20 years. Davis affectionately now calls Ogletree simply "Tree."

OK. 1991, the NAACP. Now, remember who pressured the DOJ — according to testimony yesterday — to release these guys? OK? To drop the charges? The NAACP.

OK. We go back now to 1991. NAACP approached Ogletree and asked him to make a case for the NAACP to support Clarence Thomas. They asked him, can you write something? Because even though he was a conservative, at the time, the NAACP wanted to support him because he was black.

Ogletree instead ended up writing a 30-page report that was a key to the NAACP's eventually vote of no confidence. In this report, it says, "Thomas's revealed hostility to principles affecting civil right protection, including the use of meaningful remedies for both past and present discrimination." In other words, a simple translation of that is he's not a supporter of affirmative action.

OK. Well, the guy who wrote this for the NAACP later became the attorney for Anita Hill.

Ogletree is also in to the redistribution of wealth. Socialist?

His Harvard bio also says he is the co-chair of the Reparations Coordinating Committee, which he joined in 2000 — in the year 2000. Now, this is a group pursuing a lawsuit to win reparations for descendants of slaves.

The old Black Panthers and the New Black Panthers call for that. He was part of this. OK, or at least he edited to the newspaper. I'm sure he was uninvolved other than that.

This past May — this is where it gets interesting — Ogletree received an award from the Ella Baker Center for Social Justice. Ella Baker, where have I heard that before? Oh, yes. Yes, that's right. That's right. Ella Baker — who started that? Van Jones. Also, the Black Liberation Army. Black Liberation Army. Black liberation — oh, black liberation theology — that's right. That's Jeremiah Wright theology.

The Black Liberation Army — there was a violent shoot-out of the Black Panthers in the 1970s and they stormed a police station and opened fire, killing a San Francisco area cop. The case was eventually dropped after they were allegedly tortured during the investigation.

In 2005, suspects were arrested after refusing to answer grand jury questions about the case. Coming to their defense, Danny Glover and Charles Ogletree. Finally, Charles Ogletree has a few powerful friends, including Michelle and Barack Obama. Here he is:


FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA: And then there is my friend and former law school professor, Charles Ogletree, product of the Merced Public Schools.


Now, he is an example of how you can bring your skills back. His ambitions took him far away from home, but he has never forgotten where he came from.


BECK: OK. He taught both of the Obamas at Harvard. He says he advised them and then continues to advise them now, saying, quote, "They have not hesitated to call me over the past 20-plus years as needed."

Now, I wonder if Obama called during the Henry Gates debacle. You remember that, right? Where Obama said the police acted stupidly before he knew any of the facts. Gates' lawyer? Charles Ogletree. Gosh.

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