'Glenn Beck': Time to Be Heard: Legal Immigrants

This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," May 6, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GLENN BECK, HOST: So, that's the issue. I have a couple ideas that I think are common sense but I just want to hear the stories of people who are actually here now. And they've done it the right way. How do they feel about this?

Welcome in first group of panelists to join us. And we're going to let the audience kind of chime in.

Lan Cuffel is an immigrant from Vietnam. Welcome. How are you?


BECK: Good to see you. Nice to meet you.

Vic Sanchez emigrated from Mexico along with his father Filipe Sanchez who is here.

How are you, sir?

And we also have in our audience some place an — where are you here? There you are. An immigration attorney, Raymond Fasano, who is here.

And I want to talk to — I want to talk you, Raymond, just a little bit about what a nightmare is it to become an American citizen.

RAYMOND FASANO, IMMIGRATION ATTORNEY: Well, it is. I brought some props. OK?

BECK: OK. I got a chalkboard, you got props. We'll do it.

FASANO: If you want to figure out the immigration system, first, you have to get through the Immigration Nationality Act and then you have get through the code of federal regulations. And this is going to be your answers. So, if you want to know about the backlogs, why it takes forever to get a visa to come to the United States, you have officers who are not lawyers that have to muddle through all of this work and then you have to hire a lawyer to explain to the officer. And if he doesn't get it right, we have to go to court.

BECK: OK. Hang on just a second because I want to hear some the things that we can do to simplify this.

But, first, tell me how did you get here?

CUFFEL: I came here on a barge from Vietnam in 1975. A whole bunch of people just leaving at 3:00 in the morning and we all left on the barge. And then we were supposed to — bound for Japan. And Japan didn't want us. So, we were just stuck out in the middle of the ocean. And then Cambodia just kind saw a barge pulled by a tugboat and they bombed us. They —

BECK: How old were you?

CUFFEL: I was 12 years old. So —

BECK: And then you came here, we took you in.

CUFFEL: Yes. The navy ship rescued us, maybe a week or two later. We were just sitting in the, you know, Pacific Ocean on the barge. So —

BECK: You came to this country with a banana.


BECK: That's all you had.

CUFFEL: That's all we had in the house. We grabbed immediately to go with us, because Vietnam, there is no refrigerator so you can't have anything that's perishable. We just — you buy daily grocery store. And so, only thing is not perishable is a banana.

BECK: Wow.

CUFFEL: So, my sister and I just left and then —

BECK: Do you still have that banana?


CUFFEL: I was so hungry I ate it.

BECK: And I still have that banana.

CUFFEL: I should have saved it.

BECK: Yes. And now, I mean, you are here and you're an American citizen. Life is a little different. What do you do now?

CUFFEL: I'm a stay-at-home mom. I have a son that go to Ridge (ph) High School. He's a freshman. I really have nothing —

BECK: Yes?

CUFFEL: — I just hang out with my friends that watch your show every day. And —


CUFFEL: We do.

BECK: Yes.

CUFFEL: You know, so — and we listen to your radio talk show.

BECK: Well, I — what I meant was that your life is, you have been an American citizen and you're living the life of a —

CUFFEL: of a dream.

BECK: — of an American.

CUFFEL: Yes. I love this country. It was hard to come over. You know, I still miss my family. I've been back to Vietnam about eight years ago.

BECK: Yes.

CUFFEL: And it's not the same anymore. It's changed a lot.

BECK: Vic, how did you come?

VIC SANCHEZ, LEGAL IMMIGRANT FROM MEXICO: In 1967, my dad worked for Mexican airline in Mexico City. He was transferred to Phoenix, Arizona. So, they sent him out, and while he was in Phoenix, all the paperwork started to get our visas.

And, consequently, around six months later, we got our visas, the paperwork came back from Washington. My dad came back to Mexico. He had my mom, my two sisters, myself, and we all flew back into Phoenix on a VC- 6.

BECK: How — why did you come — why did you come here?

V. SANCHEZ: For work.

BECK: Just — no — just for work. I mean, and you became an American citizen, why? Why did you leave —

FELIPE SANCHEZ, LEGAL IMMIGRANT FROM MEXICO: Because I believe in this country.

BECK: Well, how do you feel — let me ask this of the entire audience, first. How many of you support the Arizona law?

There is no one with their — except for your father. Do you support —


BECK: Yes, OK, there we go. This is going to get real interesting.

And why is that? How you — it's turned into anti-immigrant, but we are the country that was built by immigrants. We need — I think we need immigrants more than ever before because too many people like me who grew up here for generations — we have no idea what we have. We have no idea. We don't even value our freedom, or a police force that you can trust.

I mean, I look down at Mexico and I see what's happening there, and I think, how do people live like that? How do — I have a friend who just started a business down in Brazil. And he said, 50 percent, 60 percent of the judges are all on the take. How do you do that?

We don't appreciate it. So, this has become about race. As an immigrant, why are you — why do you — Vic, let me start with you. Why do you hate Hispanics so much?

V. SANCHEZ: You know, of course, I don't hate Hispanics, but what I see is a lot of entitlement and the people that think that they have the right to come to America just because they need a better place, a place to make a better life. I have personal contacts that people I met that are — have immigrated legally and illegally, you know, they're in it for making a dollar. And they are not showing any allegiance to the flag of the United States, to the country, to the government, to the gringos. The ones that I had the pleasure to speak with, you know, they have plans to going back to their country.

BECK: There's nothing — there's nothing wrong with that, migrant workers.

V. SANCHEZ: Right.

BECK: But — have — how many — how many of you feel that this is a — it's becoming less and less so, but has traditionally and can be a unique and special country? It is not like the rest of the world.

V. SANCHEZ: Absolutely.

BECK: Raise your hands.

V. SANCHEZ: Absolutely it is.

BECK: OK. Is the problem that — and Lan or Vic, or anybody in the audience — is the problem that we, ourselves, our country, and the rest of the world has just tried to make everybody the same, that there is no difference between countries? There's nothing special about this land? That it's all about human rights. The planet is the planet and we're all together in this thing. And we are, but there is something unique and different that allows people to come here.

OK. We'll be right back. We have much more to talk about and little from me. Back in a minute.




SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF.: Who in our country would not want to change a policy of kicking in doors in the middle of the night and sending a parent away from their families? It must be stopped. What value system is that? I think it's un-American. I think it's un-American. We have to make a change in policy and practice and again, we can say it enough, the raids must end.



BECK: Tonight, I may ask a question because I read the news just every day and I only read several papers every day and work at a news network. I — does anybody had their door ever kicked in? Do you know anybody who's had their door kicked in in the middle of the night? Know anybody?

You know somebody who had their door kicked in, in the middle of the night?

AUDIENCE MEMBER: Yes, my sister was robbed twice.


BECK: And the police came and helped her. Yes, OK. Yes.

No, I mean kicked in by the police. I never heard that.

Pia, you were the one who — when we were talking before the show, you brought this video clip up. And you talked about — you have something to say about this clip.

PIA GIAMBIERI, LEGAL IMMIGRANT FROM ITALY: Well, what I have to say is that, seeing our politicians today, they always go around and look for sympathy about this issue with immigration. Meanwhile, they forget to lead. They forget to enforce the law. They forget what this is all about.

I resign to the fact that other people, they cut the line and they just go ahead without doing any work. I was separated a year-and-a-half when I was a teenager from my mother to do the right procedure to come to the United States, to join this beautiful nation.

And would say to Mrs. Pelosi when she tried to talk to the American people, and I think she's looking for sympathy to try to say that this poor illegal immigrant, that they get a split from their families. Well, those illegal immigrant immigrants, Mr. Beck, they knew that they leave their family behind.

BECK: Let me ask this: what — if I say we should enforce our laws — and I mean equally, it's equal justice. Not social justice — equal justice. We're all treated the same. You break the law, I break the law, we pay the price.

I say that and I, of course, am a racist. So you say that, well, why? Make the case to the people in Washington. Make the case to the, what, 30 percent that are saying, oh, you're just a racist. Make the case. Why?

ANNA SHULA, LEGAL IMMIGRANT FROM COLOMBIA: Having been a former teacher, you teach your kids rules and regulations. The last thing you want is some poor person cutting the line and facing all that havoc. You want to set the pace. You want to set the form of respect to the child.

And I believe in our country that we come from, some of us are lacking that. Our laws were either being bought or they were being trumped by corruption. So, we come here to look for that. And that's why we feel —

BECK: Where are you from, originally?

SHULA: Colombia, South America.

BECK: How long have you been here?

SHULA: Over 50 years.

BECK: Over 50 years?


BECK: Wow. Who else? Yes, in the front row and then you in the second row. Go ahead.

BOBBY LANYON, LEGAL IMMIGRANT FROM AUSTRALIA: Well, you can't have it both ways. Someone who is fickle you can't respect. So, how can you respect a country where, on one hand, you have to go through all these rules and regulation and be smart enough to figure that or wealthy enough to hire a lawyer to do it, and then get here. And then, on the other hand, you look across the street and they're like, well, if I was a fast runner, I could have just come across the border and we can both buy cars, we can both have the same privileges.

You — in essence, the country loses respect to the rest of the world. And then, the floodgates open up because there's no respect.

BECK: When you came here, Bobby, what did you think of the United States of America? And has it changed, your viewpoints, since you've gotten here?

LANYON: Yes, it has. I've only been here five years, and I came over on a fiancee visa, because I met my wife in Australia. And the time that I've been here, I have just seen — what's the point in making an effort anymore? Why try when it can just be given to you anyway? Where is the reward for the effort you put in?

BECK: Do you still have that in — do you have that in Australia?

LANYON: We have a different border system, because Australia is surrounded by water.

BECK: No, I know that. I mean —


BECK: — I know you put sharks in the water! Why do you hate people so much?

LANYON: Yes. They're not a respecter of persons.

BECK: Yes. Let me into the back row, the second row here — yes?

ALEXANDER DAN'LYAN, LEGAL IMMIGRANT FROM USSR: I think we need to enforce the law for the same reason we lock our doors at night. People who come in this country did not legally have a vested interest in the country. They take jobs away from legal people because they work for less. And, of course, if you hire an illegal immigrant, you can pay them less money. You don't obey H.R. laws, nothing. Those people also go under the radar when it comes to taking advantage of the social services.

And in all honesty, at the end of the day, someone who has no vested interest is a nuisance. Once they're a nuisance, they don't benefit society as a whole.

BECK: Let me go to George in the middle of the second row, and then we'll have to take a break.

GEORGE DEBSKI, LEGAL IMMIGRANT FROM POLAND: I think that's really simple, illegal, as you mentioned right in the beginning, versus legal. I think everybody here, including myself, are for immigration, but for legal immigration. If you're going to break down law, are you going to break every other law?

We are a country of laws. That's why we are such a great country.

BECK: OK. So let me — let me — I'm going to take a break and then we're going to start there, because I want to go over this because I think this is — I think this is relatively easy to fix, but I'm alone in that I think. But I want to go over my plan and see what you, guys, think.

We'll do that in just a second. We'll be right back.



BECK: Welcome back to the program, "Time to be Heard." This is an audience full of legal immigrants. And I don't think anybody has a problem in America, although we're always told we do, that if you're different, well, then we don't want you here. It couldn't further from the truth.

We have some new people to introduce you to in just a second. And I want to start with Sergey up here. You were saying?

SERGEY SHEVCHUK, LEGAL IMMIGRANT FROM UKRAINE: What I wanted to say is that I would like to make a parallel, actually, between our borders and the fish.

BECK: And the fish?



SHEVCHUK: Why fish have scales? Scales represent fish integrity. It's a protection. It means that the fish can survive in the water and be protected from the environment and continue living because of the scales.

Now, if we don't enforce our borders, we don't have a future, practically. We deteriorate as a society. We reduce our integrity. And as a result, of course, we are not enforcing even the existing laws.

So to me, everything is interconnected. Not enforcing the borders, which is our protection, our integrity as a society — and as a result, of course, we're not enforcing the laws inside. So if we're not protecting ourselves, why bother even to enforce the existing laws?

BECK: We are a fish without scales. How true.


BECK: I want to see if — tell me where I'm wrong on this. And Ray, I'd love for you to chime in because you're an attorney on this. But let me just go through this. I think this is quite simple to be able to fix this, America. I mean, it will cause pain and there will be trouble and there are some details.

But first of all, we just enforce our scales, the current laws that we have. Just enforce the current laws and enforce the borders, north and south, and the airports as we do already — just enforce them. Also, anchor babies. Does anybody know what anchor babies came from? Yes?

DOROTA DEBSKI, LEGAL IMMIGRANT FROM POLAND: The law was introduced in 1868 and it means that any child born of illegal immigrant is granted the status of a legal.

BECK: 1868?

DEBSKI: 1868.

BECK: And why was that put in? Do you know why? Why in 1868? Who was it to protect?

DEBSKI: The slaves.

BECK: The slaves, yes. Slaves. This was a slavery thing, because people were afraid that now, we're going to say, well, you're not a legal resident. You are here illegally. Who are you? And they would tell the slaves that they had no place to go.

No. No. That is what anchor babies are for. This is the only country that has it. Slavery is a long time ago. It's time to cut that so people don't come over the border, have a baby here and then, you've got a foot in the door. It's just — we're the only country that does it.

Stop. It was for a good reason. No longer. So enforce our current laws, make the door wider. We are a country of immigrants. Ellis Island — come in the right way. We should have our churches and our community organizations teaching people English. Could any of you survive if you didn't learn English?


BECK: So why are we not doing that? Teach English. Ellis Island — we should have Ellis Islands north, south, east, west. Ellis Islands — have them come in the front door.

Ray, take that book. Throw that book out. Let's have some common — you know we built the entire interstate highway system, America. The entire thing. It took 24 pages.

Show me all the legal rigmarole you've got to go through. This is ridiculous. It took us 24 pages to build the entire interstate highway system. This is nonsense. Get rid of it. Make it easier for people to come in the front door. Then choke off the bait. Go after these companies.

Illegal immigration is modern day slavery. People are making money. They don't have to — they don't have to pay for insurance. They don't have to worry about OSHA. Go ahead. Call the police. It's slavery. It's wrong. It's immoral. Choke it off.

Any company that knowingly is hiring illegals, choke them. Choke them. Then, those that are here, document, fine, and you put them in back of the line. They don't become American citizens in the back of the line. Other people are trying to do it right.

If you are a criminal, get the hell out of our country. We've got enough criminals in Washington. We don't need anymore.


The last one — the last one is encourage people to melt. Melt. Listen, we used to — I remember growing up and my mother and father and grandfather always taught me we were a melting pot. People came from all over the country and we melted into something unique — American.

Now, everybody wants to have their own damn space and their own everything. You're an American. That should mean something. Now, is there any part of this that you think is unreasonable?


BECK: Great.

RAYMOND FASANO, IMMIGRATION ATTORNEY: Well, I'll tell you. And everybody will take a real hard look at the new act that's been introduced by the Democrats. It's called the Real Enforcement with Practical Answers for Immigration Reform.

BECK: Oh, dear God.

FASANO: REPAIR. Now, you say "dear God," Glenn, but the proposals in this new legislation — and it's amazing by who wrote it. It comes from Reid, Durbin, Schumer, Leahy, Feinstein and Menendez, who have always been, you know, pro-immigration.

And there has been an outcry against the Arizona law. But the thrust of the new bill is enforcement. Your six outlines that you have there are incorporated in this new act.

BECK: What's the catch?

FASANO: Number four. Those that are here document, fine, and get in the back of the line. Now, that could be interpreted as an amnesty, but it's not. It creates a new category of immigrant who would be a lawful perspective immigrant. Those people have to register. If they have criminal backgrounds -

BECK: You know, this is the problem -

FASANO: They are deported.

BECK: Right.

FASANO: It answers your concerns, Glenn. And I'm actually surprised by it.

BECK: OK. But here is the thing on that. Do you remember Ronald Reagan?

FASANO: In 1986. Of course.

BECK: Made the same deal. His thing was enforce. His was make $1 million fine against these companies. Oh, sure, we'll do that. Sure, we'll — nothing happened. Nothing happened.

FASANO: But Glenn —

BECK: No, no, no.


BECK: Ray, these people in Washington had zero credibility. That group — zero credibility. When I start to see them actually enforce before they pass any new law, then I'll believe they mean half of what they say they do. Back in just a second.



BECK: Three new panelists — they tell their stories of how they came to America. Ana immigrated here from Brazil. Bindu is an immigrant from India. And Juan is from Colombia. Ana, let me start with you. How did you get here and why?

ANA PUIG, LEGAL IMMIGRANT FROM BRAZIL: I got here because of my father. I came kicking and screaming. I was 14, almost 15. I, you know, didn't see — I didn't have the vision that he did at the time.

And I had an opportunity to come on a student visa to live with my uncle who was teaching Portuguese at West Point at the time. And I didn't want to leave my country but my dad knew this was the land of opportunity and that I could make something of myself here.

And that's exactly what happened. And I came with no expectations. I came with no demands. I just came to be part of the system, to integrate myself. And I worked hard, took no entitlements and have had a great experience. I have lived the American dream.

BECK: And you are an American now.

PUIG: Yes, thank God.

BECK: Bindu?

BINDU MANNE, LEGAL IMMIGRANT FROM INDIA: So I was 13 when my parents told me — told us that we are going to move to America. And we were just excited that it was our first time on a plane so — but we had a pretty good life in India.

But my parents believed that again, the age-old story about America. It's the land of opportunity. So sacrifice there — what they have known for years and decided to uproot the entire family and move here. And we stayed with our uncle and — from a big house to — you know, integrated two families. And so that's how I ended up here.

BECK: American dream?

MANNE: American dream. Yes.

BECK: Juan?

JUAN NIETO, LEGAL IMMIGRANT FROM COLOMBIA: I would say, God put everything in the right place at the right time. My mom wanted to eventually come here and, you know, see me grow up here, get educated — that kind of thing.

She came to visit family on a tourist visa. During that time, I ended up starting to shake in the middle of the night while I slept so she started seeking medical treatment for me and was able to extend her visa.

During that time, she was able to then work out a work contract, which then took on the path of permanent residency. And eventually, you know, we stayed here permanently from there.

BECK: American dream as well?


BECK: Who is not a citizen yet? Who is on the path of citizenship? We have four, five, six people. You, up in the corner — Guatemala. David, is that your name? David, tell me your story. Why do you want to be an American citizen?

DAVID GUZMAN, LEGAL IMMIGRANT FROM GUATEMALA: I think it's all right to be a citizen and we should do our part. And -

BECK: Why do you want — you're from Guatemala. Why do you want to be an American citizen? Why are you here?

GUZMAN: Because the country opened the door for me and my family and it has offered our dream.

BECK: What is the difference between this and Guatemala? What does the United States offer that Guatemala doesn't?

GUZMAN: Opportunities about work, safety, just the laws in general.

BECK: How do you mean safety?

GUZMAN: Because it's very dangerous in Guatemala. And we don't have the gangs as bad as it is in Guatemala. And the laws are broken every day. And murders — everything goes — you know, it's really bad.

BECK: You know — thank you. Thank you. America, the thing that we have here that we've always had that has always made us different is the rule of law. That is what makes America a special place.

George Washington said we are a country of laws and not of men, meaning it didn't matter what your station was. It didn't matter. You break the law and you go to jail. You pay the penalty. If you fail, you fail. But you get to go back and get into the system again and pick yourself back up.

That's what made us different and that is what we are losing. Back in a second.



BECK: Legal immigration. Legal immigration. I don't know a soul that is against legal immigration. It renews us. And quite honestly, we have enough fat and lazy Americans here. We need people to challenge us. We need people to help rebuild us. We need people here who understand, in fact.

Ana was just saying in the break — and this is my biggest point on legal immigration. People renew us. You were just saying that most Americans don't realize what is happening.

PUIG: Well, right. The problem is most Americans have never even been outside the borders of the United States through no fault of their own. They just haven't had the opportunity like we have to be in other parts of the world.

And the reason why we came here is because this is the land of opportunity. There is a lot to be followed. There was no — well, this was some corruption and — there's always that. But not as bad as it is right now.

So we see what is done to this country. We see the American dream crumbling right before our eyes because we have something to compare to that, unfortunately, most of the — the vast majority of American public does not. So -

BECK: I see people from Latin America. And I see people from the former Soviet bloc. And they all have — you are nodding your head. They all recognize it and they all say what is wrong with Americans? How come they — because we don't know the language. We've never heard the Marxist kind of language.

PUIG: Right.

BECK: You're really — was it Camilla?


BECK: Yes. You were shaking your head.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm originally from Romania and I have a similar story with (UNINTELLIGIBLE) where my father and I walked across the border when I was 12. We were shot at. We were caught by the police and sent back where we spent some time in communist prison.

I was 13 at the time. In Romania, basically, having lived there, you see what's happening here where your liberties are taken away slowly but surely. And you know what you live through. I know how it was there, where no freedom of the press, your mail gets read, your phone calls get listened to. You are not allowed to have relatives outside the eastern blocs.

And you — slowly but surely, you see this where, you know, it's happening — very slowly. And Americans like Ana said, they can't — they have nothing to compare it. They have not lived through it. We have.

BECK: It's the hardest thing to believe — I've been talking for a while about our country becoming Crime, Inc. Our country isn't — well, we have bad politicians, but we don't have that in our country. We don't think our liberties can be taken away and our founders knew.

John, I want to introduce you real quick, because, you know, in Arizona, everybody is a racist cop. But you are a state trooper and you're actually helping — or former state trooper and you are actually helping Jean, next to you, become an American citizen. True?

JOHN MALKE, FORMER STATE TROOPER: I helped her get out of a situation when she went back home to visit her family.

BECK: And tell me how this has happened. Jean, tell me your story.

JEAN MILLER, LEGAL IMMIGRANT FROM TAIWAN: I was supposed to renew my H1 working visa, but I didn't know. So I left the country and I was going to take a plane coming back and they said, "You don't have a visa." So I had to actually call him to break in my apartment to get my document.

BECK: This is yet another cop kicking down the doors -


Of an immigrant. And next to you is Michelle. Tell me your story real quick, Michelle.

MICHELLE KERNAN, LEGAL IMMIGRANT FROM CHINA: I'm more related to Ana, that — when I was 16, that my mom wanted a better opportunity for me to study abroad because my grandfather actually graduated from MIT in 1920. So she always believed that there's a better opportunity, better education for me to come to this country.

But I didn't appreciate all that. And until I was turned 22 and then my uncle here sponsored me and I came in as F1 student. And then the more I study here, the more I live in this country I realize what a great country, what great system it has.

And now — this is my husband. We have our own real estate business and I do property management. All my friends and family back in China said, "You are going to stay or people are not going to pay your rent and then you're going to do all of this."

I said, "Don't worry, they have all these laws — everything. I just follow this law." And I made it. And then, so they just don't think this is not going to happen in China, because unless you know somebody who works with the police or in the government, special connections, backdoor connection, then you are never actually going to make it. Here —

BECK: Let me tell you something.


Here, you — we have seen it with this administration. You don't need any kind of special connections with anybody or know anybody or in unions or anything like that. Back in just a second.



BECK: I have to tell you, we do the audience shows and we always run out of time. And we need to have you back. I would love to have you all back so we could continue our conversation, because these are voices that are just not heard, people who are here legally that say, let's enforce our laws. Juan, quickly, I want to give you the last word.

NIETO: Well, what has changed now is in the past, when people came, like my mother, option was not a failure. There were no safety nets for you to fall back on.

BECK: From New York, good night, America.

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