'Glenn Beck': Mom Spreads Principles of 9/12 Project One Child at a Time

This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," July 23, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GLENN BECK, HOST: I don't even know when it was. A year-and-a-half ago, I launched the 9/12 project and a lot of incredible Americans have been doing a lot ofincredible things. We don't spend enough time talking about the things that Americans are doing all over this country.

That's because we're trying to spray water on the country trying to make a fire go out. But there are great firemen in the north, east, south, west and the heartland. Watch.


KAREN TALON(ph), CENTRAL ILLINOIS 9/12 PROJECT ORGANIZER: My name is Karen Talon and I'm the organizer of the central Illinois 9/12 project. Here, in Illinois, one of the foremost efforts has been our watch-dogging effort.

Shore Bank has been a primary area of focus for us. We found out there was information that had never been presented to the public before, information that needed to be presented.

What we see is a bank that has, as its mission, the triple bottom line philosophy, which emphasizes not only profitability, but the progressive green agenda including social justice. There has been a lot of pressure by politicians to bail out Shore Bank.

This would be the first bailout of a bank by a state. This has never happened in the United States history. We are staying on top of the story so the information can be presented not only to citizens of Illinois, but to people across the country.

AMY STEEL(ph), SSA 9/12 PROJECT ORGANIZER: I'm Amy Steel. I'm the organizer for the SSA 9/12 Project. We have a lot of exciting projects that we're working on. Our focus is to develop a local group of people that can be involved in local politics.

We're trying to develop citizens who are advocates for founding principles of the country. I'm wearing a reset 2010 button. The 9/12 member came up with this button idea. The bottom line is everyone has the same focus, which is to reset the government for 2010.

A lot of people look at California and the west coast and they think that we are lost. I want to say don't give up on California or the west coast.

JASON SAGER, 9/12ER AND CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE: I'm Jason Sager. I'm a 9/12er and I'm running for Congress in the fifth congressional district of Florida. The journey officially began when my wife and I lived in New York City.

September 11, 2001, I witnessed one of the most horrifying attacks on our nation. And though it was the worst of times in our country, the following day was one of the best of times.

The 9/12 movement means so much to me, because it brings me back to that day when we were all one people. We were brothers and sisters in liberty and fighting for a cause against one enemy.

The past nine years I have been teaching about the history of or country. We started many organizations all with the same purpose and that purpose is education. Thomas Jefferson said that only a well-informed people can be trusted with their government, and that is so true.

ELIZABETH SCHULTZ(ph), 9/12ER, WATERTOWN, NEW YORK: My name is Elizabeth Schultz and I'm a 9/12er out of Watertown, New York. Here in New York, we've had about eight 9/12 groups gathered to work for the past six months on bringing the "Revalue America" tour to New York in October.

It's about renewing family and self and marriage. It's about plugging in to your community. It's about living values and principles. But most importantly, the tour is about gaining the tools necessary to live responsibly and to maintain a free society.

I believe that America's best days are yet to come and that I play a critical role in making that happen. But not only do I play a critical role, I have a responsibility to help make that happen.

MIKE, 9/12ER, FAIRBANKS, ALASKA: This is Mike and Tom from the 9/12 project in Fairbanks, Alaska, Skyping in to let you know, yes, there is a 9/12 project in Alaska, too. We have a study group that is doing the 5,000-year course study.

TOM, 9/12ER, FAIRBANKS, ALASKA: We're getting involved with the churches. The churches are letting us know that they want to take part in this.

MIKE, 9/12ER, FAIRBANKS, ALASKA: A lot of church groups here want to bring God back into society.

TOM, 9/12ER, FAIRBANKS, ALASKA: Our job is to teach people and present the Constitution so they can go out and present it to other groups, too. People are waking up. They are waking up because of Fox News and because of Glenn Beck. And studies like this are really making a difference.


BECK: It's truly amazing what one individual — what a difference they can make. Here is another amazing individual.

Lisa Abler — she is the co-creator and co-coordinator of the Vacation Liberty School in Georgetown, Kentucky. That's where kids are taught the things they won't hear in the classroom, on faith, the Constitution and our Founding Fathers.

Lisa, I have to tell you, out of all the things I've heard from the 9/12 Project, yours gives me great, great hope, because I really think we need to concentrate on the kids. We're losing kids because they're not hearing this anywhere. They're not hearing it at church. They're not hearing it at school. They're not hearing it at home. Tell me what the Vacation School is.

LISA ABLER, CO-CREATOR AND CO-COORDINATOR, VACATION LIBERTY SCHOOL: It's awake and it's two-and-a-half hours a day, Monday through Friday. And basically, it started just six weeks ago.

There is a 9/12er in Owensboro, Kentucky. His name is Sean Dysinger. He just came up with the idea like, "I think we should have something like vacation bible school." So he got a hold of Eric Wilson who is our state coordinator.

Sean is in a group, a small group, and they just basically have a book club, a liberty book club. And they didn't feel like they could implement it, but they thought it was a great idea.

So Eric heard about it, thought it was a great idea, put the word out. Everybody in central Kentucky was very excited.

BECK: And so you have a bunch of kids that have come. Now, this happened a couple weeks ago, right? When did you finish it?

ABLER: Last week.

BECK: Last week. And you had the kids come. They spend two, two-and-a-half hours a night and you study the founding principles. But you do things like you have squirt guns with bubbles, right?

ABLER: Right.

BECK: And you were teaching — everybody has their own bucket of water to fill up their squirt gun. And then you do it that way. And then, you also do it with one communal bucket of water.

ABLER: All right. Actually, it's bubbles. We have communal bubble container and everyone has a wand and they have a squirt gun. And they dip the wands in, if they can, the central bubble unit and that kind of symbolizes communism. They are — they can't shoot their own bubbles. They are supposed to shoot others. They keep track of how many bubbles they get to shoot and pop.

And then, we let them each have their own individual bubble container and blow bubbles and shoot their own bubbles and they realize, "This is better. I can shoot more bubbles this way." And so we — and then we — afterwards, we get them together and discuss, you know, what did you like better.

BECK: You also have — you put together like a little bank where you're — right?


BECK: What are you teaching there?

ABLER: Well, it's an economic lesson and we wanted to teach them, and this is our currency.

BECK: I love it.

ABLER: Butterscotch buttons —

BECK: Life would be better if we were all using that as currency.

ABLER: You know, Glenn, they have intrinsic value.

BECK: Yes, I do.

ABLER: And we wanted to teach the kids that there is great value to having intrinsic value to currency. And we had a central banker and you could go and trade in your butterscotch buttons, which we called nugget. And he could trade you for paper bucks.

Paper bucks were introduced the second day. And we had a store that they go shopping. And they earned the nuggets throughout the week. And sometimes, they earned paper bucks.

And they could trade in their nuggets if they wanted to, but they learn, as the week goes by, that the prices in the store go up for the paper bucks but they stay the same for the nuggets.

BECK: Very good. Very good. Now, you have finished in Kentucky, but other people are clamoring to start to do this. You have other states that are starting to do this. How do people get a hold of you or try to find the curriculum? Have you lined up a curriculum?

ABLER: We have. Yes, and it's at www.AttendVLS.org.

BECK: Attend —

ABLER: Attend VLS —

BECK: VLS — Vacation Liberty School.

ABLER: Yes — dot-org.

BECK: Dot-org — good.

ABLER: And the curriculum is online for them. And we — my husband and I put this together in just a couple of weeks, so it's a very quick thing. And we're constantly updating it.


ABLER: So what you see today might be different in a week from now.

BECK: I can't thank you enough and everybody in Kentucky.

ABLER: Thank you.

BECK: Listen, America, when I first started the 9/12 Project, it was to bring people together on values and principles and then pass those things on. Please. Please. Teach your children. Look at them as a little clay pot and put our sacred American scriptures in them.

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