'Glenn Beck': Modify Miranda to Deal With Terror Suspects?

This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," May 17, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GLENN BECK, HOST: Something took place now here in America where you can't believe your eyes or your ears. Nothing is as it seems. And that includes the controversy over Miranda rights.

I'm still bothered by what Attorney General Eric Holder and the administration are saying because — I mean, basically, I'm a little picky. I'm picky enough to believe that if you're an American citizen, you have certain rights — period.

Bill O'Reilly — who I love — we got into a heated discussion over this on Friday night. Here's what happened:


BILL O'REILLY, "THE O'REILLY FACTOR" HOST: Let's pass a law that says if the authorities feel there's a terror act under way —

BECK: No, no, no.

O'REILLY: — the Miranda rights can be suspended.

BECK: No more power.

O'REILLY: Oh, I'm sorry. I disagree with you 1,000 percent on this.


O'REILLY: You got to deal with reality. You got to deal with reality!

BECK: You've got a government right now that is —

O'REILLY: Oh, stop it.

BECK: — you've got a government right now that is saying that the Tea Partygoers are terrorists and everybody else. You've already had a report on that.


BECK: OK. Here's the deal: Bill just doesn't see any potential for abuse. He's — I mean, he's just — I'm just not willing to give them anymore power. It's our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor. It's our country at stake. No — no more power. No more.

You know, it's all about Obama cracking down on Islamic radicals. Really?

Now, let's just play this out in our heads. When confronted with one of the worst acts of terror on our soil since 9/11, 13 dead — 31 soldiers wounded — Fort Hood — Barack Obama spent the first two minutes in his press conference talking about Native American conferences and sending shout-outs to people. He continually used the word "shooter" or "gunman," rather than terrorist and, in his address at the memorial service, the president didn't use the word Muslim or Islam once.

It should be "radicalized Islam" or "radical Muslim" because of the mountain of evidence from the terrorist himself. Hasan called himself a soldier of Allah. What do you think?

He told colleagues that non-Muslims should be beheaded and having boiling oil poured down their throats. What do you think? Radical? Islamist — what do you think?

He also shouted "Allah Akbar" while killing the infidels. So, why the reluctance? They have bent over backwards to say that we're not involved in a War on Terror. No, no, it's an overseas contingency operation.

The administration has vowed to close down Gitmo because of the abuse of these poor souls.

Last week, Attorney General Eric Holder couldn't even bring himself to admit that there may be something called "radical Islam" — let alone any sort of crackdown on it. Watch this:




HOLDER: There are a variety of reasons why I think people have taken these actions. There are a variety of reasons why people do these things.

You see, you say, radical Islam, I mean, I think those people who espouse a version of Islam that is not —

SMITH: Are you uncomfortable attributing any of their actions to radical Islam? It sounds like to it.

HOLDER: No. I don't want to say anything negative about a religion.

SMITH: Could radical Islam have motivated these individuals to take the steps that they did?

HOLDER: I certainly think that it's possible that people who espouse a radical version of Islam have had an ability to have an impact on people like Mr. Shahzad.


BECK: You got to be kidding me. This is — I mean, I played that for you last week. But then on Friday, I remembered why this bothered me so much, because I've seen this before. I remembered a tape of David Horowitz recently at the University of California, San Diego with a member of the Muslim Student Alliance. Look at this:


DAVID HOROWITZ, CONSERVATIVE WRITER: Will you condemn Hamas here and now?


HOROWITZ: Will you condemn Hamas?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Would I condemn Hamas?

HOROWITZ: As a terrorist — genocidal organization?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are you asking me to put myself on a cross?

HOROWITZ: So you won't.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If I support Hamas because your question forces me to condemn Hamas. If I support Hamas, I look really bad.

HOROWITZ: If you don't condemn Hamas, obviously you support it. Case closed.


HOROWITZ: I'm a Jew. The head of Hezbollah has said that he hopes that we will gather in Israel so he doesn't have to hunt us down globally. For or against it?



BECK: I'm not comparing their sensibilities or ideology. But the tactics seems unavoidably similar, doesn't it?

Eric Holder — no one will say anything negative about radical Islam. We know that the vast majority of Islam is peaceful. Wasn't that the point? The point is that Eric Holder couldn't identify radical Islam when pressed on it hard. And the president seems to have the same problem.

So now, why is the president and Eric Holder considering dropping Miranda rights for American citizens. Why? Why is our Supreme Court nominee, Elena Kagan, who recently testified that authorities should be able to scoop Americans off the streets, hold them indefinitely without a trial if they support a terrorist organization?

And yet, wasn't it the president during his campaign that he frequently invoked this:


THEN-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE BARACK OBAMA: If there's an Arab-American family being rounded up without benefit of an attorney or due process, that's threatens my civil liberties.



BECK: OK. But this — now, it doesn't all of a sudden.

First of all, I've never — I mean, I will have the family that was rounded up — I don't care what religion you are — I'll stand with you. Rounded up without due process?

But for some reason, he was extremely concerned about it then, what happened to due process now? With all of the people in your organization?

Well, I brought up one plausible scenario this weekend that I think Americans must consider. I hope you reject it, but you should at least consider it because something's not right here.

Here's a clip from my speech to the NRA this weekend:


BECK: God forbid, there's another Timothy McVeigh. And God forbid, that guy has in his wallet an NRA card.

Now, have you donated to the NRA? I have. Have you?

If they find that, could they make the case that this is a terrorist organization? And that you are funding a terrorist organization?

I know they'd damn well would try with me.


BECK: And suspend my right to a fair trial? Hell, no!


BECK: Something isn't right here. Again, I start right where — I end where we started: Nothing is what it seems to be. Watch the other hand. Be careful of what you wish for.

The terrorist in question in an out-of-control government and an out-of-control situation, might just be you.

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