'Glenn Beck': Liberation Theology and the Political Perversion of Christianity

This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," July 13, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GLENN BECK, HOST: I know this is a long walk for most Americans. But it is critical, because this is a perversion of basic American understanding of value. Basic misunderstanding of the make-up or the — or God. And it's — the only way out of this mess is God. And if we lose our way to him, we're in trouble.

We're talking about Liberation Theology and the different uses of it, OK? There are also uses that are not theological, they are just philosophy. Aspects of Liberation Theology explains how predominantly white members of the Weather Underground, like William Ayers and Jeff Jones, who are still in this system now, they were also into black liberation philosophy.

Why? Because it's about the oppressed and the oppressor. Remember, these are people who, besides blowing stuff up, were also having a sexual revolution, trying to smash monogamy. This isn't about God to them in any shape or form. But the goals are the same.

The members of the Weather Underground, remember the oppressed and the oppressor. Watch:


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Power belongs to the young people and the black people in this country. We have got to build a strong base. And some day we have got to knock those (expletive deleted) who control this thing right on their (expletive deleted).

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: White youths must choose sides now. We must either fight on the side of the oppressed, or be on the side of the oppressor.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If you sit in your house and live your white life and go to your white job and allow the country that you live in to murder people and to commit genocide, and you sit there and you don't do anything about it, that's violence.


BECK: OK. So they excuse it because this country has committed genocide or violence against the oppressed. So you can use any means to stop us. OK. This is how they and the Black Panthers and others who follow this line of thinking can eventually find themselves rationalizing the killing of babies, because they've convinced themselves that you are either a victim or you are the oppressor.

And there is no difference. There is no in-between here. You must take a stand. You are a victim or oppressor. And that's exactly how you get crazies like this one that we showed you a couple of days ago:


DR. KHALLID ABDUL MUHAMMAD, FORMER NEW BLACK PANTHER PARTY CHAIRMAN: We kill the men, we kill the women, we kill the children, we kill the babies, we kill the blind, we kill the cripple, we kill the crazy, we kill the (expletive), we kill the lesbians, I say, damn it, we kill them all!


MUHAMMAD: You say, well, why kill them all? Why kill the women? Why kill the babies? They're just little innocent blue-eyed babies. (Expletive), they're going to grow up one day to rule your babies. Kill them now. Why kill the women in South Africa? I say, kill the women because the women are the military manufacturing center.


BECK: This is the previous head of the Black Panthers. I want to make sure we put this in perspective. Most African-Americans — I mean, this guy is Hitler. This guy is Hitler. Most African-Americans don't believe that. They don't believe the hate the Black Panthers is spewing. This is evil.

The Black Panthers and anyone who subscribes to Liberation Theology are perverting the message of Christianity and it goes straight to evil. It is the same way radical Islamists pervert the message of Islam.

But at this instance, they are perverting an already perverted message. The message of social justice and redemption through redistribution and collective redemption, there is no such thing as that. And this is why it's critical that you understand this.

Because Jeremiah Wright is a Liberation Theology creature. He studies and knows Cone, William Ayers, Liberation Theology. All of these people — I shouldn't say "all." A lot of the people around the president have grown up in the '60s with either the mix of the Liberation Theology, or the liberation philosophy.

I've got news for you, there is a huge difference between collective salvation and individual salvation. Individual salvation, you can be free and we can disagree with each other. Collective salvation, well, then the policies of the government, well, they — they start to become very, very bad, because if you stand against the policies of the government and you are the oppressed that is in charge of the government, well, you can excuse all kinds of things.

As I said in the beginning of this program, there are those in the country right now that must divide us for power. They're going to try to make this episode of this program about race. I ask you to watch the show in context. This has nothing to do with race. African-Americans, it has nothing to do with African-Americans. There are white people saying the same thing.

It has everything to do with power. When I said this guy is — it said on the bottom in this clip "America's Black Hitler." It doesn't matter. He's saying the same thing. Hitler was white. He is saying the same stuff. He's black. What does race have to play a role in?

In time, it is played over and over and over again, because it is a formula. The same outcome, a different group of people, but the formula creates the same mess. And it explains what you are beginning to see in America today. It is a formula that I will expose next.



BECK: All right. America, this is the weirdest show ever. I thank you so much for watching. This is one that you should have DVR'd, because if you are joining us now, it is going to be a little weird to latch on.

But we're talking about liberation theology and philosophy, and it's critical that we understand this. This is just the beginning of some things that we're laying out. But this is pretty intense stuff.

If somebody wants to obtain power, they've used this formula — usually insidious people have used this formula to gain power. And here is how it works. The first thing you do is identify something you want to control — America, OK? Then you look to Marx.

These two might be flipped. Maybe you look to Marx and then something you want to control. Then you look for victims. Now, the victims have to be a group big enough to gain power. So you usually have to cobble a bunch of people together.

Then you use, infiltrate or corrupt the most powerful institution at your disposal. Got it? Now, I — this is a book from Anthony Bradley. And Anthony is one of the leading experts on liberation black theology. And we have been working with him all day on this to make sure we get it right.

Anthony, I want you to help me on this if you will. First of all, do I have the basic formula here right?

ANTHONY BRADLEY, BLACK LIBERATION THEOLOGY EXPERT: Right. You actually articulated it very well, to actually start with these issues and then use Marxism as a way to interpret what to do.

BECK: OK. So let's just go through a few of these. This is to show the liberation formula working. In America, with the progressive movement under Wilson, the victim was the white worker, right? They were going to be the oppressed.

They were oppressed by, you know, the Chinese in the 1800s. The black worker — this is where unions started "look for the union label," but it was — the union label said, "made by white workers."

So they used the white workers. That was their victim. They knew that they have just held the white people. They could gain power. Use, infiltrate or corrupt the most powerful institution at your disposal.

They used churches. They used the unions. Can you think of anything else they used? They used politics. OK. These were the people already in power.

BRADLEY: Glenn, if I can add -- they also used the public education system. That was also a means of rearticulating this understanding of who the oppressor is and who the oppressed are.

BECK: If you look at 1960s, America, they did the same thing but the white worker was no longer the oppressed. Now, it became the Vietnamese. It became blacks. Who else? I know now we have Hispanics down here.

But they needed to cobble together — they needed to — the Marxists. The Chinese — I know they used Chinese because they were talking about anybody who had been exploited by the capitalist system.

Latin America — why don't you explain Latin America, because Latin America, in the '80s and '90s, the church actually was the thing that they used to be able to have this really take off. This is probably the most successful of liberation theology, correct?

BRADLEY: Yes. One of the odd interpretations of Marxist thought and theology happened in central and south America, right in the church. And it was really the fantastic work of the current pope, who actually rooted out liberation theology from that region. And that is something we talk about at the Acton Institute all the time. That's a very good resource for that.

BECK: So Ratzinger — he was the prefect of the congregation in 1981. He said that liberation theology movement — he saw it sweeping across. He said, and I quote, "It is a fundamental threat to the faith of the church."

Fortunately, it didn't work, but it came close. The church was strong enough to root them out. Now, why did they use the church? They wanted control of the government. But the Catholic Church is so strong in Latin America that they couldn't make any headway. They had to get in the church and pervert it.

It's about social justice. They used that as vehicle right into the church. They used the media. In our case, in this — today, they want the economic engine for the world. This is a global thing. It's what makes it, to me, seem much more sinister.

Today, this is why the border being such an issue. I told you this six months ago, they're going to use the border and they'll make it all about race. We're not talking about solutions. We're only talking about racists, if you want the laws to be enforced.

So what happened? How did it happen? Well, identify something you want to control. They want the economic engine of the world. They're Marxists. We have shown it to you.

They look for victims big enough to gain power. You have African-Americans. You have the disenfranchised. Who has been disenfranchising them? Giant government. You have the unemployed. Let's talk about the gulf region and closing down the oil rigs.

You also have the Hispanic, and that is the one — that is the straw, they believe, is going to break the camel's back. We have shown you the video on this program before, where they're not really even talking about the Hispanic, as I believe — I believe what is happening with illegal immigration is modern day slavery.

We're not teaching people English. How do you survive in this country if you don't learn English. How do you get along? How do you make a way for yourself? It's modern day slavery, but we're not talking about that.

We're talking about people who say enforce the border and it is racism. We know that if they can cobble this together, they win the next election for the next 50 years. You use, infiltrate or corrupt the most powerful institute at your disposal.

Well, they have the education system. They have the media. They have the capitalist system. What do you think the Tides Foundation was? They infiltrate and they saw under Ronald Reagan that capitalists were not for all of this nonsense, so they infiltrated.

Now, they are using failing capitalism to destroy it. They're using the churches through social justice. The media — do I have to explain that one? This is what progressives and all power-seekers do. They find something vulnerable. They latch on to it. They exploit it for power.

But the problem is when they do get power, they seem to overshoot the mark a little bit. When they are the ones holding the guns, sometimes it is hard to stop those who said, "Yes, we can kill white babies."

And then, there is a whole new group of oppressed. That's not what the founders had in mind. It was about individual pursuit of happiness. It was about individual salvation.

It was about your connection with God and your personal right. That's the best way to keep people from being oppressed, but we have abandoned that over 100 years ago. It's time to find it again. I'll show you more on how this relates to today and the news of the day in a minute.


BECK: I want to make it clear that even though we have been discussing racism in the last few days, I don't want to make the Black Panthers out to more than what they are. They're really, quite honestly, an anomaly in our society. Within the black community, white community, they're an anomaly.

I mean, they are as irrelevant as David Duke is in the white community. He is an anomaly and everybody knows what he is. I think it's important to recognize, however, what they are trying to do, and that is divide us through racism and hatred.

That's what racists do. That's what David Duke, that's what the Black Panthers do. This is what I said on this program six months ago:


BECK: Whether it passes or not is going to be irrelevant, quite frankly, to these people. It is exactly what they need. What is in the bill, it doesn't matter. The issue will be racism. The progressives must reactivate their far left base. They must smear their detractors.

They will call me and Fox News and anyone else — if you believe we're a nation of laws and not of men, you're going to be called nasty names. And they're not going to listen to any of the facts that you have to say.


BECK: So it's amazing because one of my producers brought it up in the meeting this morning and said, "Glenn, do you remember saying that?" I said, "I don't." And she said, "Yes." And here we are. This is exactly when I said it would happen.

I don't think the Panthers are a threat to society. I think the ideas that they get these ideas from that lead to those crazy ideas, those ideas being institutionalized, liberation theology or philosophy being institutionalized — that's where the trouble comes in and that's for you to decide whether that's happening or not.

But let's look at the bread crumbs. For 20 years, Barack Obama was part of Jeremiah Wright's liberation theology church in Chicago. In fact, Obama himself said that he found Jesus through Jeremiah Wright:


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: I heard Rev. Wright deliver sermon called "The Audacity of Hope." And during the course — during the course of that sermon, he introduced me to someone named Jesus Christ, and I learned that my sins could be redeemed.


BECK: OK. Not quite the way you might have learned it. Barack Obama's spirituality comes from the prism of liberation theology, which we showed you about a half hour ago. It's a theology of collective salvation and Marxism, a theology rooted also in dividing the races.

You're familiar with, what, Jeremiah Wright's anti-white sermons, you know, how he has been saying — I mean how many times have we heard this guy? Well, it comes from the very foundation of liberation theology.

Now, here is the liberation founder James Cone, quote, "The coming of Christ means a denial of what we thought we were. It means destroying the white devil in us. Reconciliation to God means that white people are prepared to deny themselves whiteness, take up the cross, blackness, and follow Christ, the black ghetto."

What? Marxism and racism are embedded in the foundations of this teaching. So if you find Jesus and salvation through these ministers, is that like me finding capitalism through Karl Marx? It doesn't work.

I'm not questioning the president's salvation. I want you to understand that he believes in something called "collective salvation," which we explained a half hour ago. And I don't want my words to tell you that. I want you to hear the president's words on collective salvation, next.


BECK: All right. We were talking about salvation and Barack Obama's view of salvation. Here is where it comes from. Watch:


OBAMA: And recognizing that my fate remained tied up with their fate that my individual salvation is not going to come about without collective salvation for the country.



OBAMA: It's because you have an obligation to yourself, because our individual salvation depends on collective salvation.


BECK: OK. This is not Christianity. My salvation is not connected to your salvation. That is a — that is a grave, grave perversion. It is liberation theology.

Now ministers — I am in so much trouble tomorrow, because the power structure of the country is in the hands of people, quite honestly, like Jim Wallis. And they are going to pit me against all religions.

They're going to — you'll see a smear campaign on me like you haven't seen yet — Baptists, Jews, Catholics. OK, great. You can listen to Jim Wallis on Catholicism. Or Catholics, you could listen to Pope Benedict and how he feels about collective salvation.

Wherever — quote, "Wherever politics tries to be redemptive, it is promising too much. Where it wishes to do the work of God, it becomes not divine, but demonic." That's sums up nicely what we've been trying to say about social justice as understood by Jeremiah Wright.

Collective salvation. Ask your priest, your rabbi, your minister about collective salvation. This is why Obama said he doesn't support reparations because, quote, "They don't go far enough."

Why don't they go far enough? Because to blot out the collective sin, the white man has to give everything up. Here's founder of liberation theology, James Cone:


JAMES CONE, FOUNDER, LIBERATION THEOLOGY: The only way in which your repentance, your forgiveness can be authentic, your reception of it can be authentic, your repentance can be authentic — is that you give back what you took. And white people took a lot from black people.


BECK: Do not make this about race. Please, make this about God. Collective salvation. Collective salvation.

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