Glenn Beck: Are You a Radical?

This is a rush transcript from "Glenn Beck," September 20, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GLENN BECK, HOST: Well, hello, America.

The New York Times is reporting — apparently, I don't read it — that the president is now looking at his economic advisors and they are, quote, "looking for ways to help Democrats alter the course of the midterm elections." Well, that's — that sounds presidential.

Quite honestly, that's the job you don't really want to have. I mean, every single gigantic spending measure Obama and the Democrats have thrown into the economy have failed spectacularly, and it is now their job to give a reason why you should give them another crack at it.

You know, when your best and really only talking point for the last couple of years is "It's George Bush's fault," you've got some problems.

But, here is the good news — if you can just make it to the election, it's great! Because you're going to transition — mark my words — they will transition from "It's George Bush's fault" to "It's the Republicans' fault, this do-nothing Congress" that — here it comes. All they have to do is make it to November and their slogan is already written for them.

Anyway, The Times says the other option Obama is considering is an attack on the Tea Parties that would attempt to payment them as radical and then tie the Tea Parties to the GOP. The implication is, of course, that you can't vote for the GOP. They're in bed with crazy people — right — and again, with the crazy Tea Partiers.

What is it that the Tea Partiers believe in, exactly?

Let's be very clear: Smaller government, lower taxes, less spending, more individual choice. Stop spending America into oblivion. Be honorable human beings. That's what I hear.

But, now, I'm going to play the tape from these crazy nutjobs. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I definitely want people to be filled with real hope, you know, and conviction that anything is possible in America, if we just know who we are and believe in each other. You know, it's the people and really it's not the government. It's what has made us exceptional, just remembering what brought us here.


BECK: Feel the hate. I mean, I miss the crazy, hate, angry part in that. But there's only one clip. I'm sure he went off the deep end after that.

Look, here's just a note, it's an FYI to Washington — it doesn't work. I mean, if you call the Tea Party extreme all you want. But the pictures tell a different story and America knows.

By the way, we have had such an incredible response from people sending in their photos. We asked you last week, we're putting together an 8.28 photo book. Please send us more photos. And you can details on this book at All the details are there.

But here are some of the pictures. I mean, does this look crazy to you? I mean, if that looks crazy to you — well, then there is a good chance that the Marxist candidate running against Christine O'Donnell in Delaware is looking good. You're like, I don't know, the Marxist is looking pretty good.

Now, the latest on this is that the White House has responded to say the story 100 percent true. So, why am I reporting it? Well, because I'm between a rock and a hard place. I mean, do I believe the Obama administration or The New York Times? Can I get a life line on this one? Please.


SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE NANCY PELOSI, D-CALIF.: This initiative was funded by the high end, we call it Astroturf.

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Those of you who are watching certain news channels that, you know, which I'm not very popular, and you see folks waving tea bags around.

REP. JOHN DINGELL, D-MICH: The last time I had to confront something like this is when I voted for the civil rights bill and my opponent voted against it. At that time, we had a lot of Ku Klux Klan folks and white supremacists and folks in white sheets and other things running around causing trouble.

REP. BARNEY FRANK, D-MASS: They were happy to have the crazies getting out there doing Hitler stuff and et cetera. But I think, the public — they don't have good arguments. When people make ridiculous arguments against something, it's because that's all they got.


BECK: Oh! Well, that's a poster from a Democratic rally this weekend. So, Barney, I think you're probably right.

All right. So, I think we're going with The Times. The Obama administration — I mean — has been pretty clear on how they view the Tea Parties. Now it's whether or not it will actually help them. A radical fringe element — very, very dangerous, that's what Obama believes the Tea Parties are.

Well, let's start here tonight. Let's start with the definition of "radical" and this — this is not — we're not trudging old ground. I mean, I know it seems this way, but it is actually going some place, "marked by considerable departure from the usual or traditional. Extreme — to make extreme changes in existing views, habits, conditions or institutions." Hmm.

Now, which one is the radical group? I mean, the one that says, "Let's go with the Constitution," or the one who says, "You know, really? I don't have to go through the Senate." Which one?

You saw the crazy clips of the Tea Parties and the 8.28 crowd. Yes, they want smaller government. You know, they want to talk to their imaginary, you know, friend in the sky.

But what about these people? What do these people believe? Isn't it interesting that we're talking about radicals in the Tea Party but we're not talking about these actual 1960s radicals?

Here's what they have done. Here's the tree of revolution. We've shown this to you over the last year or so. This is actual revolutionary "Let's change America through revolution" kind of guy.

Now, here's what they've done now that they've gone legitimate and they have become the power in Washington. Here's what they've done. They've done all kinds of great little things here. They passed an $800- plus billion, 2,000 pages, that nobody — nobody who voted on it even read it. And it was written by leftist radicals from the Apollo Alliance — the Apollo Alliance.

Can I ask you something? Did you elect John Podesta? Did you elect Wade Rathke? Because I didn't.

How about Jeff Jones — did you elect him? Do you know who he is? He's Weather Underground guy. Did you elect him? Because he was part of the Apollo Alliance, spending your money.

OK. They also had no problem using deem-and-pass to pass $1 trillion health care bill — another 2,500-page bill that nobody read. Who voted on it.

Obama said he wasn't concerned about the procedural rules. What is this? Oh, yes, a departure from usual or traditional. Radical. Radical — you see?

Nancy Pelosi told us we have to vote for the bill to find out what's inside? Is that usual or is that radical? You decide.

We had multiple people praise Mao Zedong. I've never seen that before. He was a murderer in China — mass murderer. Countless in the administration have openly said that they're anti-free market. That's not usual. Obama has traveled to other countries for the expressed purpose of slamming America, calling us arrogant, highlighting our mistakes, going on an apology tour. I've never seen that happen before.

They circumvented the system when they didn't have the political will to pass cap-and-trade, the EPA just took the first step and said, yes, it's dangerous and we're going to go ahead and regulate it.

Then, the administration was set to use National Endowment for the Arts to promote art propaganda. The president's health care plan and other items are all set to do that.

They ban deepwater drilling — although, although, a judge overturned the ban. Then they re-imposed the ban, even though it's killing jobs in the Gulf. And while it's killing jobs in the Gulf, we're giving tons of money to Mexico and Brazil. In Mexico's case, to drill in the place where we said no more drilling. Does that make sense?

The president is also now the president of a U.S. car company. When Congress — when Congress, you know, stalled Obama, he just said, "I'll just use executive orders to get the job done."

I mean, I could go on and on and on. But let me just leave you with this one — the NEA, the National Association of Education. They said Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals," that's recommended reading. That is the National Education Association. That's for teachers.

Who's the radical here? Hint, "radical" is in the title, you know? And you know who this book is dedicated to? I love this, right here. "The first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer."

Gee, I — recommending rules for radicals for our teachers and our students and it's dedicated to Lucifer.

America, ask yourself — come on, which one are the radicals? Here are the — you might agree with these guys. I don't, but you might.

But here are the choices. The choices are simple. Are these the radicals? Or are these the radicals? Which are they?

One choice is arguing for individual — individual liberty. I mean, basically, I know better. I know better than the government. They don't know me. They don't know my neighborhood. I'm going to make the choice and I will take — I will take the ramifications. That's it.

I'll learn from my mistakes and I'll be better for it and my community will be better for it. And if I want to eat bacon butter all day, you know, I'll accept I'm fat and I'll pay higher, you know, insurance rates because I have a bigger chance of dropping dead of a heart attack. And we'll be better off for it because we'll better ourselves as individuals.

But the other choice is this one: they're making the claim that the people are a claim to Homer Simpson. I don't want to say it. I'll let administration member say it.


CASS SUNSTEIN, OBAMA REGULATORY "CZAR": We think that, that is my co-author, Thaler and I, that there's a little Homer Simpson in all of us. Sometimes we have self-control problems, sometimes we're impulsive. And that in these circumstances, both private and public institutions, without coercing, can make our lives a lot better.

Once we know that people are human and have some Homer Simpson in them, then there's a lot that can be done to manipulate them.


BECK: Note those words — "Then there is a lot that can be done to manipulate them."

I'm sorry, America. Do you want your government manipulating you?

Make a choice. The America people are stupid and capable of making decision that will ultimately be better for society. Therefore, we have to manipulate them into it. The government needs to hold citizens' hands from cradle to grave.

The very latest who holds this world view in the administration who says you're just like Homer Simpson is Elizabeth Warren. Now, Elizabeth warren seems like a very nice lady. I mean, I met her. It was at the Time 100.

She is — there she is at the Time 100. She was one of the 100 most influential people on planet earth. I met her there because I was strangely on the list as well.

She gave a great speech. And again, she seems like a very nice, decent lady. It was very moving. She talked about, you know, she grew up as a janitor's daughter. Her grandparents fought to survive the Dust Bowl and the Great Depression. I mean, she has seen it.

And now, she's going to be working in the brand new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Another bureau. Great.

Once again, however, Congress is irrelevant. Since Obama doesn't care about what procedure he uses — again, a radical departure — he has appointed Warren to an interim position so she didn't have to go through the confirmation process. So you don't know anything about her.

Now, I don't care if she's in office accounting. If she's the one there and she is at the top of the food chain, she is making the decisions. She is the boss.

But don't worry — it's not like she is going to have wide ranging powers, like writing and enforcing rules for banks and other firms, or conducting examination of banks and seeking information from other firms about consumer-related business, or tracking business complaints — basically everything you pay for, she will be tracking. She'll have policing powers over mortgages, credit card, debit card, private student loans. They'll have the power to gather, research and issue recommendations on delinquency trends, default rates, and all other issues impacting consumer spending and debt.

Now, here is perhaps the most troubling part if you're not troubled yet — this agency is not dependent on having Congress appropriate an annual budget for its operating expenses. No, no, no. It's outside of the system. The operating expenses are coming out of the Federal Reserve System.

Let me say that again. Let me — in fact, can we do something with the lights? Or we need some music or something? Let me say that again because I think you didn't really get that. This agency has all of its funding coming from the Federal Reserve System.


BECK: Get it? Yes.

Congress can defund Obamacare, but will not have power over the protection bureau. Oh, they're here to protect us!

And Elizabeth Warren, seemingly a very nice lady, is going to design the scope, the range and the emphasis of the new bureau. Now, Obama has gone so far to call her the architect of the bureau and she has quite the fan club.

Oh, yes, show me your friends and I'll show you your future. She has Arianna Huffington calling her a hero. Michael Moore is not only huge but a huge fan. Socialist Bernie Sanders also urged Obama to hire her. So, did Al Franken. Andy Stern from SEIU. Oh, and Trumka from AFL-CIO. They all love Warren.

She has spoken at events. She's spoken at events, with — where is Van Jones? He's around here some place. I love Van Jones. Show me Van Jones. There he is, Van Jones.

Oh, there she is with Arianna Huffington and Van Jones. Here she is again with — George Soros, spooky guy.

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee says there will, quote, "be hell to pay" if her position does not have real power. Why? Why is this position so important?

Why is she so loved? What are her beliefs?

Well, here's how she feels about credit card companies.


ELIZABETH WARREN, CONSUMER FINANCIAL PROTECTION BUREAU: Credit card companies market their product the same way drug dealers do, just try it out. And then once you're hooked, credit card companies have a special word for the customers who pay in full every month. They're called deadbeats. The credit card companies are undermining the economic security of middle class America. They will hang on to them and bleed them for as long as they possibly can.


BECK: OK. True. Have you cut up your credit cards yet? Please do.

I remember my folks did it in the 1960s. I remember, I must have been very young. But I remember them cutting them up. Cut your credit card company — cut the credit cards up.

Now, why did my parents do that? Because it's not the credit card company's fault. I mean, I think it's pretty clear that when you borrow money, you pay it back. Do we really need an entire government bureau for this? Or do we need to send everybody a pair of scissors?

This isn't the problem because it's much, much more than what she just said. Watch this.


WARREN: We made up these rules. And the rules are of men, of people. We pick what the rules are. The rules have not been written for ordinary families and for the people who actually do the work. We have to rewrite those rules.


BECK: OK. What you missed on this — this is from Michael Moore's movie — is what he said in the first part. And she didn't disagree. Capitalism doesn't work.

So, she's saying, yes, but we wrote the rules. So, we just have to rewrite them. It's about rewriting the rules of capitalism — translation: ending capitalism. If you think that's outrageous claim? Don't! Don't!

I'm going to do two things for you. I want you to go to I want you to see the top 20, all these radicals.

It runs — I'm going to play some of it for you tonight, but it runs about 4 1/2 minutes. It's these radicals and then some, and what they say about the free market system. They don't believe in it. They don't believe in capitalism.

— Watch "Glenn Beck" weekdays at 5 p.m. ET on Fox News Channel

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