Girls Basketball Team 'Upset', 'Confused' Over Being Caught in Immigration Crossfire

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," May 13, 2010. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: For weeks we have heard President Obama mischaracterize the Arizona immigration law. Now his outrageous comments have made it abundantly clear that he's never actually read the bill.

And just a short time ago on Capitol Hill America's top law enforcement official admitted he hasn't bothered reading the text of the legislation either. Watch this.


CONGRESSMAN TED POE, R-TEXAS: I understand that you may file a lawsuit against the law. Seems to me the administration ought to be enforcing border security and immigration laws and not challenge them. And that the administration is on the wrong side of the American people.

Have you read the Arizona law?

ERIC HOLDER, ATTORNEY GENERAL: I have not had a chance to. I've glanced at it. I've not read it. But —

POE: It's 10 pages. It's a lot shorter than the health care bill which was 2,000 pages long. I'll give you my copy of it if you would like to have a copy.

Even though you haven't read the law, do you have an opinion as to whether it's constitutional?

HOLDER: I've not really — I have not been briefed yet.


HANNITY: Alright, so he hasn't read it. He hasn't been briefed. But he has no trouble looking into the camera and telling you the American people this:


HOLDER: I think that law is an unfortunate one. I think it is, I fear, subject to potential abuse.

DAVID GREGORY, NBC'S "MEET THE PRESS": Arizona, what is specifically wrong with the anti-immigration law that has been passed there?

HOLDER: The concern I have about the law that they have passed is that I think it has the possibility of leading to racial profiling.

JAKE TAPPER, ABC'S "THIS WEEK": Do you think the Arizona immigration law is racist?

HOLDER: Well, I don't think it's necessarily a good idea.


HANNITY: Alright, how would you know? You haven't even read the law.

Now meanwhile tonight, the hoop dreams of one high school girl's basketball team has turned into a nightmare thanks to the ridiculous uproar over the new Arizona immigration law.

Highland Park school administrators in Chicago have cancelled the team's trip to the state of Arizona because of the law. The school officials cite safety concerns for their decision but also said the trip, quote, "Would not be aligned with our beliefs and values."

In other words, this school is willing to throw out the months of hard work by this team simply because they want to make a political statement.

Tonight representatives of the Highland Park High School girl's basketball team are here to respond. And joining me now from Chicago are Highland Park student and former basketball player Kalie Greenberg and Lauren Evans who is also a student of the school and a member of the girls' basketball team.

Ladies, thank you for being with us. Welcome to "Hannity."




HANNITY: That was perfect unison.


HANNITY: Alright. First of all, congratulations. For the first time in 26 years, you became conference champs, right? Lauren —

EVANS: Yes, we did.

HANNITY: How much work goes into that? You worked really hard to get there, right?

EVANS: Yes, definitely.

HANNITY: Right? And —

EVANS: A ton of works goes into it.

GREENBERG: They had practices all the time. They always had team dinners and bonding. And they worked really hard.

HANNITY: Yes. Alright. Listen, I remember, I was on the basketball team. Do have you guys have to do the suicides where you go up and down, and up and — alright. A lot of work, a lot of training.

EVANS: Yes. That's the worst.

HANNITY: Alright, so you won the championship. Excited to go to Arizona?

EVANS: Yes, definitely we're all really excited.

HANNITY: Mm-hmm. And I — tell us the story because I understand that all the girls on the team worked really hard to raise money — you were you selling cookies, I read. Tell us some of the efforts that you were involved in to get the money so that you could go to Arizona?

EVANS: Well, we started like doing bake sales and we had all these kind of things planned that we're going to do over the summer. We're going to do some car washes. Just all these different things to raise money.

GREENBERG: They made really good brownies.


HANNITY: Well, listen, I might buy some if you — if you could mail some, I think I'll take some. Well, look, you weren't really —

EVANS: I'll be sure to do that.

HANNITY: You can arrange that?

EVANS: Yes, I'll do that for you.


HANNITY: OK. It's a deal. You got it. Alright, now the school is citing safety reasons on the one hand. But on the other hand they're saying well, this Arizona law is not aligned with our beliefs and values.

What's — Lauren, what is going on?

EVANS: I really don't understand what they're talking about there. We're just trying to play basketball. And I don't think their beliefs and values should be a problem with us playing basketball.

HANNITY: What did you think about them saying that?

EVANS: I was kind of confused, I didn't really know what they meant.

HANNITY: Yes. Alright. Now, look, I'm sure neither one of you want to get dragged into the political world.

Kalie, I'll ask you. When you heard that they had made this decision and the excuse that they gave, what was your reaction?

GREENBERG: I mean I heard from Lauren earlier this week that that was apparently the rumors to why they weren't going. And my first thought was, why? Like that's stupid. I mean these girls deserve to play. They're hardworking girls. They won their conference. They want to play. They've been raising money to play. There's no reason not to let them play.


GREENBERG: So pretty much I was — I was upset about it because a lot of them are my friends and knowing that my close friends can't go out and to compete and do what they love, it was upsetting.

HANNITY: Do you see any safety concerns, Lauren?

EVANS: I mean I don't really see any safety concerns with us playing basketball. So —



HANNITY: No, I don't want to drag you into the political fight that is obviously going on here but I would assume by now that both of you girls probably know a little bit more about this Arizona law.

And in spite of even when the president of the United States, we just played our attorney general admitting he had not read the law. Clearly the president has not read the law either because this law not only does not encourage racial profiling, but it specifically prohibits racial profile.

Kalie, I see you shaking your head, you knew that?

GREENBERG: Yes, I — I've been researching it a lot and especially since this started I've been reading up a lot about it. And I don't — like, especially with a lot of the school made this boycott as to not let them go. And a lot of it is just like a lack of knowledge almost as to what's going on is leading to all these conclusions that should not be made.

So I think a lot of people need to do some of their homework.

HANNITY: Yes. Starting with the president. Now that's the interesting thing here. Look, in many ways this is a dream, you know, and the first time for your high school, as we pointed out, in 26 years. You work really hard, you make brownies, you have bake sales. You're selling cookies.

Did you ultimately raise enough money, Lauren, to go to the tournament?

EVANS: Well, we weren't done raising money but by the end of it we would have definitely raised enough money.

HANNITY: Yes. Look, I'm willing to contribute. Are you — at this point, does the team have the ability to still go?

EVANS: Probably not to this tournament. But we're looking for a different one.

HANNITY: So in other words, they made the decision. And what's the reaction of the other players and what's the reaction of your parents?

EVANS: Everyone is disappointed because we're all looking forward to this. This is going to be like one of the highlights of our season. And then to be told we can't go is just really upsetting and everyone is pretty mad.

HANNITY: Yes. What are the other tournament — Kalie, what are the other tournament options for the team?

GREENBERG: I know you guys are looking in Florida? And they were just looking at other places in the country that maybe they could go to. But I think Arizona is still their number one choice.

HANNITY: Yes. Well, I got to tell you something. I find this outrageous. You guys worked really hard for a goal. And for you to be dragged into a political argument that whose foundation is on false representation is just pretty outrageous.

What do you think you both learned from this? Lauren, you first.

EVANS: I think I've learned that, like, politics and sports shouldn't mix. And they shouldn't like affect each other, especially at the high school level.

HANNITY: Yes. High school —


HANNITY: Yes, go ahead, Kalie.

GREENBERG: I was just — I was going to say the same thing, especially at high school level, politics should have nothing to do. High school is a place to learn, a place to learn the values that you'll use throughout your life. And just bringing politics into high school? It — it just doesn't seem right.

HANNITY: Yes, it would be nice if our politicians actually read the law. That would be nice.


HANNITY: To me. And it's only 10 pages, it's not 2,000 pages like the health care bill.

Girls, listen, congratulations. You should be very, very proud of yourselves.

EVANS: Thanks.

HANNITY: I'm very sorry. It's outrageous to me that you had to go through this and we wish you both the best of luck in the future. We'll be watching to see how do you in the other tournament if you're able to get in or if you do go to Arizona, I will be cheering for you. OK?

EVANS: Thank you.

HANNITY: Alright, guys. Thanks for being with us.

GREENBERG: Thank you.

— Watch "Hannity" weeknights at 9 p.m. ET!

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