Girl, 8, Reportedly Died After Developing Dentist Phobia

An 8-year-old girl became so fearful of going to the dentist that she passed away because she refused to even open her mouth to eat, her parents told the Daily Mail Wednesday.

Sophie Waller's phobia was so bad that she had to go to the hospital just to have a tooth removed, according to the report.

Doctors at Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro, England, removed her baby teeth in a single surgery to avoid a repeat procedure, but afterwards she refused to open her mouth to eat and had to be fed through a tube, it is reported.

Following her release from the hospital, Sophie continued her refusal to eat, with the exception of some watermelon.

Her weight plummeted and health worsened until she was found dead in her bed by her mother a month later. Her parents, Janet and Richard Waller, have demanded to know why an inquest into Sophie's December 2005 death has yet to be held.

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