Get Hannitized!

Sean Hannity, co-host of FOX News Channel's highly rated debate program Hannity & Colmes, takes a break every day from his radio show in New York City to appear on Studio B.

You may or may not agree with him... but you've just got to hear what he's got to say about the latest political news.

It's commentary that's guaranteed to make you think!

Video Archive:

July 9: This and that...

July 8: Chicago Cubs manager Dusty Baker's comments about minority players

July 2: U.S. to send peacekeeping troops to Liberia

July 1: Foul play in case of missing Baylor University basketball player?

June 26: Supreme Court's gay sex ruling

June 25: Ann Coulter's new book Treason

June 18: Controversy at Shep's alma mater

June 17: Shep and Sean talk basketball

June 16: The likelihood of a Calif. Gov. Gray Davis recall

June 13: Rumors that former President Bill Clinton wants to run for NYC mayor

June 12: Escalating violence in the Middle East

June 11: President Bush's handling of the Mideast crisis

June 10: Sean talks to alleged Bill Clinton rape victim Juanita Broaddrick

June 9: Hillary Clinton's interview with Barbara Walters

June 5: Could it be? Candidate Sean?

June 4: Hillary Clinton versus Sean Hannity for president in 2008?

June 3: Operation Iraqi Freedom coalition stands by pre-war intelligence

June 2: Where are Iraq's weapons of mass destruction?

May 29: New, gory details emerge in the Laci Peterson murder case

May 22: Why Democrats make Sean angry... grrr!

May 20: Can the Saudis be trusted to help us in the war on terror?

May 19: Shep hits the talk show circuit

May 15: The secret of the JFK intern comes out

May 14: The New York Times controversy

May 13: Shep is ready for Hollywood with his debut on The Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno

May 8: The costs associated with presidential trips

May 7: Sen. Robert Byrd blasts Bush address

May 6: Tornado warning in Atlanta

May 5: Scholarship fund for the children of veterans

May 2: Left-wing reaction to President Bush's speech on Operation Iraqi Freedom

April 30: Belgian lawyer wants to go after U.S. Gen. Tommy Franks

April 29: Hillary Clinton — gunning for a White House run?

April 25: Dixie Chicks in over their heads

April 24: Kofi Annan says U.S. is "occupying force" in Iraq

April 23: Journalists take big risks in Iraq

April 22: Some Iraqis not happy with U.S. presence

April 21: Why anti-abortion activists are so intersted in the Laci Peterson case

April 17: NBC newsman David Bloom's legacy

April 16: Could coalition forces have prevented the Iraqis from looting museums?

April 15: President Bush chats with French President Jacques Chirac

April 14: Companies vie for contracts to rebuild Iraq

April 11: Coalition troops increase their control over Iraq

April 9: Liberals find themselves on the wrong side of the Iraq debate

April 7: Coalition forces make their way through Saddam Hussein's palace

April 4: Was that really Saddam Hussein who appeared on Iraqi TV?

April 3: The military strategy behind the taking of Saddam International Airport

April 2: Media bias in war coverage

April 1: A word for the anonymous critics of the Iraq war

March 28: Iraq says it has coalition spies in custody

March 26: Media coverage of Operation Iraqi Freedom

March 24: The bravery of reporters embedded with the military

March 19: The U.S. and Iraq are 'down to the wire' when it comes to war

March 18: What role can the U.N. play at this point in a war with Iraq?

March 17: U.S. and Coalition of the Willing Close Door on Iraq Diplomacy

March 14: President Bush Calls Weekend Summit in Azores with Britain, Spain

March 13: Miraculous End to Elizabeth Smart Abduction

March 12: Why the U.S. needs to wipe its hands clean of the U.N.

March 11: U.S. suspension of U2 flights over Iraq

March 5: Homicide bombings like those in Israel can easily happen in U.S.

March 4: Celebrities complain of discrimination based on anti-war Iraq stance

March 3: The capture of Al Qaeda's no. 3 man

Feb. 27: Tips for top-notch athletics

Feb. 26: Unilateral action on Iraq

Feb. 25: Dan Rather's interview with Saddam Hussein

Feb. 24: Britain puts forth second U.N. resolution

Feb. 20: Is the U.S. facing an Iraq war postponement?

Feb. 19: Dick Gephardt announces his candidacy for president

Feb. 18: Are U.N. member nations wearing blinders when it comes to Iraq?

Feb. 17: Deadly Blizzard Slams Northeast

Feb. 14: Deadlock: U.N. bitterly divided over Iraq

Feb. 11: Heightened terror alert: nothing wrong with caution, but no need to worry

Feb. 4: The beginning of a U.S.-North Korean crisis

Feb. 3: Heartbreaking shuttle Columbia tragedy

Jan. 30: Can we win the war on terror if our borders are porous?

Jan. 23: France and Germany hold up Iraqi war plans

Jan. 22: Daschle says U.S. would be unwise to pusue war without multilateral support

Jan. 21: Germans say Iraqis are cooperating; U.S. disagrees

Jan. 20: Middle Eastern perception that U.S. is occupying Arab states