FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll:Less Than Half Feel Completely Back to Normal

Even as the war in Afghanistan seems to be winding down, there is considerable evidence that the aftereffects of September 11 continue to linger. Just over 4 in 10 Americans today say they personally are feeling completely back to normal since the terrorist attacks, and only 10 percent think things are completely back to normal across the country, according to the latest FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll.

Thirty-nine percent feel "somewhat" back to normal and 16 percent "not back to normal" at all. Those living in the Northeast and older Americans are most likely to say they personally are not feeling back to normal (20 percent and 23 percent respectively), whereas young people (age 18-34) are more likely than any other group to feel completely back to business as usual (52 percent).

People are also more likely to say they will be spending time with their families rather than going out on New Year’s Eve; 71 percent this year will be staying home compared to 65 percent in 1999. Overall, 21 percent plan to go out on New Year's Eve, with young people being twice as likely as older Americans to be planning a night on the town.

Polling was conducted by telephone December 12-13, 2001 in the evenings. The sample is 900 registered voters nationwide with a margin of error of ± 3 percentage points

1. During the holiday season, which of the following causes you the most stress?
SCALE: 1. Putting up holiday decorations 2. Finding the right gifts 3. Traveling 4. Being with family members 5. (None) 6. (Not sure)

2. Do you think more people will be spending New Year's Eve this year:
SCALE: 1. With their families 2. At a church or synagogue 3. Partying 4. (Not sure)

3. Will you personally be staying home or going out on New Year's Eve?

4. Do you feel like things are getting back to normal since September 11? Would you say that things are:
1. Completely back to normal,
2. Somewhat back to normal, or
3. Not back to normal?
4. (Not sure)

5. And what about you personally — are you feeling back to normal?