Fox in Focus:Under the Knife: Plastic Surgery Stories

Monday, September 3 at 9 a.m. ET

From a nip and a tuck, to a complete makeover, for years only the middle-aged and the privileged sought out the plastic surgery.

But now, the desire for this voluntary surgery has spread to the young and not-so-rich.

This weekend, join host Linda Vester as Fox News puts plastic surgery In Focus.

We’ll talk to plastic surgeon Dr. Joseph Pober about the risks and rewards involved with cosmetic surgery.

For some, the price paid to look perfect can be life threatening. We’ll hear how one woman's surgery scarred her for life.

Plus, we’ll get up close and personal with a woman just minutes before she gets new breast implants.

And, for the show-biz crowd, plastic surgery is often a means to invigorate a celebrity’s career. Bill McCuddy, host of Entertainment Coast to Coast, takes a look at which stars most recently visited the surgeons office.