FOX Family Grows

Well, Friday was another unique show highlighted by a wild personal e-mail that inexplicably found its way into the teleprompter — yes, the teleprompter!

Today's show featured Senators Schumer (search) and Chamblis talking about the attorney general confirmation hearings which are more like a verbal street fight. Of course we were all over the tsunami (search) recovery with a surprising turn into the world of law and order. The names Yates and Michael Jackson were all over the show and you just don't feel good talking about child molestation and murder. Wow, I'm getting down just writing about it!

I'm better now. Thanks for your concern.

Good news on the staff baby front: Senior Producer Maria had another boy and, although he does not talk, he seems happy his Mom is apart of a hit cable show. And Executive Producer Matt is taking another week to get to know his newborn, but in turn is ignoring the truly needy: E.D., Steve and me!

Look for two things to happen next week: Football takes over the sports world and inauguration and Iraq elections dominating the REAL world.

Personal note: I did not mean to insult the good people at Bookmark in Atlantic Beach, Florida. Just been getting e-mail that it's not inside the city of Jacksonville — where the Super Bowl is — which is why l was there that week and is where all the people are. Hopefully we'll get a few people anyway February 3rd and — if I have to — I'll give away the Judge's book at the door to create a buzz!

Got to start the weekend now and thanks once again for keeping "The Games Do Count" amongst the world's top sellers. Tonight, as in Friday I am on the Laura Ingraham show — who, by the way, is a genius and a GREAT host. Check for the latest book signings.

Look out, Ohio! I'm coming your way!


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