For the Defense

Here’s the latest edition of Some Stories You Won't Find on any other Sunday show:

For the Defense

Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark (search) has signed up to be one of Saddam Hussein's defense lawyers. Clark met with Saddam several times over the years and was a vocal opponent of the U.S. invasion.

Clark has a history of defending anti-American dictators, including former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic.

Secret Santa

During the holidays, many people dig deep into their hearts and wallets to give to the less fortunate.

One mysterious Denver man dug very deep into his pocket when he went to a homeless shelter, pulling out a thick roll of $100 bills and handing out $35,000.

The man — who would not identify himself — said he had once been homeless — and knows what it's like to be in need.

Happy New Year!

And as we all saw on Friday night, a big crystal ball was dropped in Times Square to bring in the New Year. But it turns out that across Pennsylvania they do things a little differently.

Items — such as a stuffed goat, a pickle and a foot-long bologna were dropped — to celebrate the beginning of 2005.