FNC Team International

Touring suspicious factories in Iraq, ducking bullets in Israel and keeping up with a turbulent Afghanistan are just some of the beats our international team has been assigned. Check out video of LIVE reports from the best of FOX Team International.


The Pope Says No — Greg Burke reports in a FOX News EXCLUSIVE: The Vatican has rejected a proposal by American bishops that would set new standards for dealing with sexual abuse by priests.


Hunt for Terrorists in Indonesia — Geraldo Rivera reports: Many radicals are being interrogated after last weekend's horrible blast, and authorities are said to be moving against Jemaad Islamiyah, the largest of the local militant groups.


Iraq Referendum — Greg Palkot reports: Iraqis celebrate the huge referendum victory of Saddam Hussein. The 100 percent margin Saddam received was never really in doubt as his was the only name on the ballot.

Iraqi Official Issues Threat — Greg Palkot reports: Minister of Military Industrialization Abdel Tawab Mullah Huweish spoke at a news conference Thursday, after U.S. officials claimed that Iraq is rebuilding at weapons research and development sites."I am in charge of the weapons programs and I am saying here and now that we do not have weapons of mass destruction and we do not have programs to develop them," Huweish said. On the possibility of a U.S. strike, he said, "If the Americans commit a new stupidity, we will teach them a lesson that they will not forget."


Citizen Intercepts Homicide Bomber — Rick Leventhal reports: An Israeli bus driver and a paramedic pinned a Palestinian homicide bomber to the ground Thursday after spotting his bomb belt, then fled with other bystanders before the man detonated the explosives. The assailant and an elderly woman were killed, and four people were injured.


A Violent Election in Pakistan — Jennifer Eccleston reports: Violence mars Pakistan's first election since 1999 - 3 people were killed and dozens injured outside of several different polling stations.