Five Minutes With Bret Baier

We've received tons of e-mail from FOX Fans wanting to know more about FNC's Pentagon correspondent, Bret Baier (or B. Baier as Shep likes to call him).  So, we caught up with him for a quick Q & A .

What do you like best about reporting from the Pentagon?

Covering the Pentagon really keeps you moving. There are 19 and a half miles of corridor here and you can ALWAYS find someone to talk to you. A lot of my day is spent running from one office to another; one general here... one spokesperson there... and on good days, one Secretary of Defense. So, I'm always on the move. I really enjoy covering Defense Secretary Rumsfeld. He is often very plain spoken (as I am sure you all know). When he's not behind that podium, he is very engaging and gracious with his time. My job is different every day. There is a lot of pressure, but that is what I like about it.

Is there a story that you’ve reported on that stands out in your mind?  Why?

The first day of the war with Iraq stands out in my mind. That first strike to try to take out Saddam caught everyone off guard, and to get details about it was a real challenge. I had to tap sources who were very reluctant to talk about what was going on. That night started a stretch of an amazing 40 days; the hardest and longest I have ever worked in my life. There have been other major stories that stick out in my mind, but none more important than that one.

If you could ask one question of anyone at the Pentagon, who would you ask and what would you ask them?

That's a tough one, because I try to think of "that question" for every Pentagon briefing. I don't hold anything back from the questions I ask either at the briefing, or behind closed doors on background. So if anyone has a good one out there, drop me an email. I'll see how it goes over.

Where did you grow up?

I was born in Rumson, New Jersey and grew up there until age 10. Then my family moved to Atlanta, Georgia. That's the place I call home now. I do say "ya'll" every once in awhile and I like sweet tea, so I'm at least part "southern."

Who’s your favorite author and/or book?

Besides O'Reilly and Hannity (you see I am a loyal FOX employee), I have to say that I enjoy reading Richard North Patterson's political thrillers. I also enjoy the descriptive writing of Tom Wolfe.

Name one thing you absolutely couldn’t live with out.

I cannot live without family and friends who make me laugh. I think laughter is a solution to a lot of problems. Spending time with good friends and family laughing with each other about one thing or another is what I value most. I also think you have to be able to laugh at yourself and not take yourself too seriously.

Your first car?

My first car was a 1978 green Ford Grenada. It had a problem on the inside of the roof. The inner cloth flopped down on your head as you drove. I called it a "car blister," but it got me from point A to point B.

Favorite movie of all time?

The Natural
with Robert Redford.

Is the glass half empty or half full?

The glass is half full.

Who’s had the greatest influence on your life?

My Mom has had the greatest influence on my life. She was the one who always told me I could do whatever I wanted if I put my mind to it. She pushed me to work hard and to fight my way up the chain of small market TV. My mom was the person I would ask for advice whenever I had major decisions to make. Hands down, she played the biggest part in making me who I am today, and I try to thank her as often as I can. She's a great lady.