Female Boxer Banned From Ring Because of Breast Implants

A female boxer has been banned from the ring – and it’s not because of her gender.

The former model says it’s because of her breast implants, London’s Daily Mail reported.

Sarah Blewden, 25, of Poole, Dorset in England, told the newspaper that boxing officials will no longer allow her to fight because they fear repeated blows to the chests would ruin her false breasts and “damage her breast tissue.”

Blewden began boxing two years ago as a way to keep in shape, but decided she had a real talent for it, so she applied to the Amateur Boxing Association.

When the Association found out she had the implant surgery in 2003, officials denied her request to fight.

The Association’s medical expert told Blewden she was at risk of distortion, and the breast tissue’s blood cells could be damaged.

Blewden appealed, arguing she would wear a breast protector, but was denied.

“They are gel implants and not liquid, so they won’t burst,” she said. “And if I suffer capsular contracture and need to pay for corrective surgery, then that is my decision.”

Click here to read more from the Daily Mail.