Favorite 5: Lotus Elise SC

Eighteen miles of the finest mountain roads the United States never stood a chance against the Lotus Elise SC, but they put up a good fight.

This 1-ton wonder is as pure as a sports car can get while still looking like a car. Stripped to the bones, the Elise SC is anything but plush, and completely focused on eating blacktop for breakfast, lunch, dinner and a late night snack. The supercharged 4-cylinder engine behind your ear may sound like a souped-up vacuum cleaner, but it sure doesn’t suck.

Click here for our full review of the Lotus Elise SC.

Despite the lack of creature comforts, the Elise SC fits so well that you can drive it all day and the only thing that will be sore at the end of it are the muscles in your face that make you smile.

You’d either have to spend a lot more money on a true exotic, or a lot less on a motorcycle to get anywhere near the same feeling. We'll split the difference and stick with the Elise.

Click here for our next favorite: Pontiac G8 GT