Fast Facts: School Bus Accidents

Facts on School Bus Accidents in the United States:

School buses are one of the safest forms of transportation in the United States.

Every year, approximately 450,000 public school buses travel about 4.3 billion miles to transport 23.5 million children to and from school and school-related activities.

On average, every year, six school-age children (throughout the U.S.) die in school bus crashes as passengers.

School buses are approximately seven times safer than passenger cars or light trucks.

The school bus occupant fatality rate of 0.2 fatalities per 100 million vehicle miles traveled (VMT) is considerably lower than the fatality rates for passenger cars or light trucks (1.44 per 100 million VMT).

Pedestrian fatalities account for the highest number of school bus-related fatalities. There are about 17 such fatalities per year, two-thirds of which involve the school bus itself and the rest involving motorists illegally passing the stopped school bus.