Emanuel Sets New Health Care Deadline

A quick trip around Hannity's America...

Dems & Deadlines

Democrats appear to be moving the health care reform goalpost yet again. Wednesday during an appearance on "The Charlie Rose Show," White House Chief of Staff Rahm "Rahmbo Dead Fish" Emanuel announced a brand-new deadline:


RAHM EMANUEL, WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Health care will be passed before the members go home for Thanksgiving. And be — it will not be just on the Senate Finance because the legislative process is a place where both bodies get to contribute.


Before the Thanksgiving recess? That's not exactly the song the Democrats were singing this summer. Remember this?


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA, JULY 22: If you don't set deadlines in this town, things don't happen.

NANCY PELOSI, SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE, D-CALIF., JULY 14: We are still on schedule to do what we had planned to vote on this legislation before we leave for the August recess.

OBAMA, JULY 15: Before the August recess.

PELOSI, JULY 22: Sooner, rather than later. Hopefully in the next few days.

SEN. JAMES CLYBURN, D-S.C., JULY 23: Before we go home for August recess.

PELOSI, JULY 23: I'm not afraid of August. It's a month.

OBAMA, JULY 23: By the end of August or the beginning of August.

PELOSI, JULY 27: I had said that I wanted to build a path before we left for the August recess.


First it was August, now it's Thanksgiving. What's next? Maybe the Fourth of July!

Survey Says...

During the 2008 presidential election, pundits debated the extent to which the mainstream Obamamania media and their favorable coverage of the candidate helped him win the presidency.

My view is well known, but a recent Sacred Heart University poll asked the people what they think, and get this, a whopping 89 percent of respondents said that the media's coverage played a "very or somewhat strong role" in the president's election. That compared to only 10 percent of people who believed that coverage played "little or no role" in vaulting him to power.

Well, there you have it. It looks like there's hardly anybody left who still believes that the media is objective in this country. Maybe it's time to just drop the whole pretense all together.

What do you think?

Farmers vs. Fish

California's San Joaquin Valley which we visited last week continues to get attention in Congress. The farmers of that once fertile valley have been struggling since the government shut off their water supply in order to save a tiny fish called the delta smelt.

Wednesday, California Senator Dianne Feinstein voted against an amendment that would have gotten the water pumping again. Thursday, Congressman John Duncan put that Democratic opposition in context:


REP. JOHN DUNCAN, R-TENN.: For the last few days, thanks to Sean Hannity, millions of people have seen or heard about the plight of farmers and farm workers in central California. In some areas, over 40 percent are unemployed and many thousands are having to stand in food lines so their families can have something to eat.

What many do not know is that the House voted on this issue twice, on June 18 and again on July 23. On the first vote, 171 Republicans voted for the farmers, 215 Democrats voted for the minnow.

On the second vote 176 Republicans, all but one voted for the farmers, all but three Democrats voted for the fish. Unfortunately, neither vote was close. Wealthy environmentalists won. The farmers and farm workers lost.


Party of the people? Talk about shameful. For the sake of the farmers out in California, we can only hope the Democrats come to see the error of their ways.

President Obama, Senator Feinstein, turn the water on! It's simple.

Stayin' Alive

This week the world witnessed an amazing transformation, as the 62-year-old former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay debuted on ABC's "Dancing with the Stars."

DeLay performed a cha-cha to the song "Wild Thing" with a two-time champion on the show Cheryl Burke. And believe it or not, America, last night the unthinkable happened: "The Hammer" lived up to his reputation, getting enough votes to survive the first round of cuts on the show!

Amazing! I just don't know how he's going to top that performance next week.

For the record, I know people don't like this: I did not even dance at my own wedding. And I don't apologize for it.

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