Dropping In on the Osbournes

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Posted today are some pictures from our show in Vegas — pics of our set built on the terrace at a club at Caesars, pics of Rick Leventhal and Shep Smith, Celine Dion, etc. Check them out.

Yesterday, we arrived in Los Angeles from Las Vegas. From the airport it was a quick drive — well, you can never really have a quick drive in L.A. — with all the traffic — to the hotel. We checked in, changed our clothes, choked down a salad and then hit the road for our interview with Sharon Osbourne at Ozzy and Sharon's home. Sharon has a new autobiography ("Extreme") and we wanted to ask her about her new book. In reading the book, one of the things you might discover is that her childhood was anything but normal (really an understatement.)

For those of you who watched MTV reality series, "The Osbournes," Lola the bulldog is fine. She was very friendly, but a bit jealous. When we petted other Osbourne dogs (I think there were about eight dogs), Lola positioned herself between us and the other dogs until we were simply just petting her. It is hard not to love Lola — she is very sweet. Minnie is also fine – she is in England now. Sharon has a TV show in England, so Minnie has been there with her the past several months. Sharon has made a quick trip to the USA to promote her book and do other things and did not want to subject Minnie to the rigors of flying across the ocean and the country, so we did not see Minnie.

Ozzy came in to say hello, but then went to his studio which is adjacent to the house. Ozzy is busy working on a new CD — he told me that he hopes to be finished with it in 10 days or so. Apparently he has been working nonstop on it and is anxious to finish it.

I think we will air part or all of the Sharon Osbourne interview tonight — not sure… that will be decided by my senior producer.

Last night we did a segment on Republican Congressman Jim Gibbons. He is running for Nevada governor and an allegation has been leveled against him for allegedly groping a woman on October 13 in a parking garage. He went to court yesterday to force the police to turn over the surveillance tape where the groping incident allegedly happened. As you might imagine, an allegation such as this can be poisonous to anyone running for office – especially right before the election. It was "above the fold" in the Vegas papers yesterday. I don't know whether he did or did not grope… and I wanted to make sure we were extremely careful in reporting this story. I hope we did it exactly right last night and that the facts do come out fully before the polls open on Tuesday. Both candidates in this governor's race deserve the facts.

Just as an aside: Our show is being extra careful how we cover politics this week and even how much. We know you are being inundated with shows covering the upcoming election and while we do want to cover some of the races and stories, we are also mindful of the fact that many of you have already decided, we are last in prime time and you have had lots of political news in the hours leading up to 10 p.m. ET and might like a bit of a breather as we march towards November 7. If our show were on earlier, I would program more politics into the show. We also want to back away from a bit of the nastiness, although we also know that negative ads work on the voters even though individual voters deny it. Bottom line: This is a very, very, very important election. (By the way, right after I wrote the blog, I went to the e-mails and the first e-mail I read is posted tomorrow as E-mail No. 1 — so I guess at least this viewer is on the same page with our programming Monday night!)

We have a great "field trip" planned today and I suspect many of you will be green with envy. We are going on a "walk and talk" (with cameras) to the set of the hit FOX Broadcast show, "24." I am not sure when we will show you this "walk and talk."

What do you think about the Duke rape case? If I am wrong, I will apologize to DA Mike Nifong. Frankly, I would like to be wrong about this one because I hate to think a prosecutor would be pursuing three rape charges for political reasons. But I just can't figure out why he has not spoken to the accuser about the events alleged that night or why he refused to meet with the defense attorneys or look at the documentary evidence of Reade Seligmann. Would you not think he would want to know if this prosecution is just or not? Or whether good judgment is to continue with it or drop it? Justice should everyone's goal: Justice for all rape victims and justice for all those falsely accused. But to attain that point, the DA should be taking certain steps and talking to the accused to see if indeed she is telling the truth or not is a good starting point. It seems rather elementary and thus my second question: Would you vote for Mike Nifong on Tuesday if you lived in Durham?

Now for some e-mails:

E-mail No. 1

Greta & Co.,
Just wanted to thank you for a refreshingly positive show last night. I am so tired of the nasty political discussions, negative stories, and generally depressing news. Your interview with Celine was great, she was open and honest and it gave the viewers a real sense of who she is. I also enjoyed the inside look at the expensive rooms in Vegas. Thanks again for an enjoyable hour of nothing negative.
Beth Miller

E-mail No. 2

Hi Greta,
Loved the shows from Vegas, particularly the suites you showed both on the show and in GretaWire. But you left out a most important detail: Did Greta win? Or does what happened in Vegas stay in Vegas? ;-)
Happy Halloween!
New York, NY

ANSWER: Here is the truth: I am the ONLY one who bowled a strike. I AM from Wisconsin which helps, but here is one thing I am glad you did not see: I fell when I threw the first ball because my rubber sole shoes stuck on the surface. It was pretty funny — we had no bowling shoes and I was not smart enough to think before I compulsively picked up the ball and tossed it. I then took off my shoes and about four balls later I got a strike (caught on tape!)

E-mail No. 3

Hi Greta,
I just want to tell you how much I enjoyed your interview with Celine Dion. She's probably my favorite pop singer and it was great to see her on your show. She seems like such a kind, humble person even with all her success. She obviously hasn't allowed it to go to her head. She is truly a gem.
I also thoroughly enjoyed your tour of the fancy suites. The big one is about five times as big as my house! I can't remember the exact figure you gave for a one night's stay but I think it was more than I make in a whole year, so that is definitely out! You also had a chance to show off you bowling prowess — great job! It must be relief for you to do some fun stories every once in a while amidst all the bad stuff going on. I appreciate all the hard work that you and your staff do to put on a quality show night after night. You always will have someone complaining, but I think you do a great job. Thank you!
Take care,
Margie Gacki
Cumberland, MD

Send your thoughts and comments to: ontherecord@foxnews.com

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